
Responses from roberjerman

Are these fake?
I don't see "Furutech" anywhere on those receptacles! Nor on that box in the photos! 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
YES! And YES, again! 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
A Parallel SET amp will have half the output impedance of a single-tube SET - all else being equal. That will have a positive result driving a typical speaker with a varying impedance curve! 
To Couple or Decouple Bookshelf Speakers to Stands?
No to decoupling! The added weight of the stands will give a firmer foundation for bass response. Just like adding mass to the speaker cabinets. 
What’s the best rca “Y” adaptor?
$250! LOL! Just get s pair from Monoprice and stop being so obsessive! I'm telling you this for your own good! 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Get a BEL 1001 and you'll never want to listen to anything else! 
Output test on amp
All power amps (and preamps) have linear (flat) response out to their upper and lower limits, where they roll-off in the ultra-sonic and sub-sonic regions. So no need to worry!  
Damn, what a joy to have good College FM stations.
Tampa has WUSF 89.7 All Night Jazz. Sunday - Thursday 9 PM - 5 AM. On Friday and Saturday 9 PM - 6 AM. Mostly Jazz from the Fifties to the Present. On the 'Net: 
Snell Type A
Some of the later versions of the Type A's used 12" woofers. You will have to check. I haven't examined my pair yet (not in use at present). But I do have a pair of KLH Six's with 12" woofers that might fit! I recommend you get replacement woofers... 
Snell Type A
@billgjr : I already had a nice pair of 10" woofers with rubber surrounds that I took from a trashed pair of AR 2's. They were a perfect drop-in fit for my friend's Type A's. Both the Snell and AR woofers had the compliance for a sealed box. So I ... 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
Japanese gear in the late '70s was considered by American audiophiles to be not as good or desirable as American or British. Mitsubishi had a tough time with the US high-end market. And the MGA brand didn't do much better! Competition was stiff wi... 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
Mitsubishi/Diatone in the late '70s never caught on with American audiophiles. Who preferred to buy American products - unlike today! I myself bought a Son of Ampzilla for $430 - a bit less than the Mitsubishi amps. 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
The store I worked at (Audiocom) didn't carry the lower-tier MGA line, but it could be ordered from the importer. 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
@islandmandan : that was the separate preamp and power amp - which I have! The two fitted together but could be used and sold individually. There was also a separate preamp/tuner available, along with the AM/FM tuners. The power amp came in two mo... 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
I am not familiar with the MGA brand - but I assume it was Mitsubishi's lower-tier line at lower cost. A need for that because the upper-tier gear was quite pricey for the time (mid-to-late '70s).