
Responses from roberjerman

Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
I wish I had a pair of the Mitsubishi speakers but alas, I already have too many speakers - and not enough space! 
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
If I had nothing else I could happily live with the Mitsubishi gear! It is musically satisfying! Now if it came with four-figure price tags the audiophile snobs would like it more!  
Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question
I am one of the few that have a Mitsubishi preamp, amp and tuner in the collection! In Japan these components carried the Diatone label. And considered as desirable high-end gear! Sound quality excellent! Right at this moment I'm using the DA-F10 ... 
Seasoning your sound with powercords
The "warm up effect" is actually the listeners' hearing adjusting to the sound! Happens to everybody! 
Seasoning your sound with powercords
Power cords as tone controls! LOL! 
Well Tempered Amadeus MK1 - What cartridge would you recommend
Hana SL (Shibata low-output). A lot more affordable than a Dynavector mc! 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
My favorite is the ARC SP6, for which I paid less than $1K a few years ago! I find it musically satisfying and no urge to change! 
Cartridge recommendations for Mac
Sorry chakster! I forgot about the Shure ULTRA series!  
Rush Permanent Waves 40th Anniversary
It was almost certainly cut from a digital file!  
Rush Permanent Waves 40th Anniversary
Better to have just hunted for a nice clean original pressing! That's what I do! 
What are the DACs that use good circuits in the Audio sections?
Lampizator with a tube output stage is a good choice! Expensive, though! 
Acoustic Research AR 3a and related electronics
Instead of selling them keep them for use as a second home system! Add a signal source (analog or digital) and you'll have a musically satisfying system! 
Acoustic Research AR 3a and related electronics
Back in 1970/71 the AR receiver with the AR 3a's would have been a real nice system to have at college! And the AR TT with the Grado FTE cartridge for LPs, of course!  
Acoustic Research AR 3a and related electronics
The AR receiver can be cleaned on the outside and go inside and spray the pots with Deoxit. Then use a Variac to slowly power up overnight to give the caps time to warm up and form. Afterwards connect a dipole antenna and hookup a pair of speakers... 
Acoustic Research AR 3a and related electronics
There's a pair of nicely restored AR 3A's listed here on Agon. $1200! So they are worth something to somebody! Give yours a good cleaning, oiling the veneer, get inside and spray the pots with Deoxit, treat the rubber woofer surrounds with Armoral...