
Responses from roberjerman

Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help?
@noromance  I own enough amps and preamps to equip a store! I have my favorites, too! Same for speakers - their sonic signatures are certainly more easy to discern! 
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help?
@noromance With two amps of different gains the bass and mid/high sound levels won't match! That would hardly make for good listening! The OP wants to give his father the Denon and keep the Yamaha for the Polk's. I personally would do the opposite... 
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help?
@noromance The OP is a novice! My advice is correct! The two amps must be identical for bi-wiring to work properly! Let him install two jumpers per speaker and use just one amp at a time! 
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help?
Yes, the top diagram is correct! Just get two jumpers (a few inches of wire will do) for each speaker. Forget about bi-wiring (the correct term). Use only one amp at a time with your two speakers - after you install the jumpers! 
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help?
There should be jumpers between the two reds and the two blacks. Get them! You still cannot bi-wire the A7's because you don't have two identical amps. 
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
Too bad JBL couldn't re-issue the L166 Horizon! A much better speaker than the L100! I have a pair! 
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
The FR MC201 was a really nice sounding cartridge! Favorably reviewed in IAR. Wish I still had It! 
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
@grsz06: I have a GAS Thoebe preamp and a Quatre Gain Cell amp in my collection! Both worthy of resurrection! And I owned the FR MC201 in the long-ago past! 
Why do amps sound different?
I have some SE amps: 2A3, 45, 6BG6. They do sound nice in use with my Heresy's! 
Why do amps sound different?
@atmasphere  Paul Klipsch opined that what the World needs is a good 5 watt amp! Along with his K-Horns, of course! I believe he favored the Brook 2A3 PP amps!  
Why do amps sound different?
The speaker is THE overwhelming influence on SQ - NOT the amp, preamp, DAC, interconnect, speaker wire, fuse ... 
Why do amps sound different?
Most electronics (amps, preamps, DACs) have been essentially sounding alike for the last 20+ years! Contrary to what the "golden ear" crowd claims! The marketplace dictates good sound and weeds out poor designs (except for some tube gear!). You wa... 
Why do amps sound different?
@path73 John Otvos did that with his Waveform speaker. He used a custom-made three-way active x-over made by Bryston and three Bryston stereo amps (one per driver). No internal passive x-overs! Excellent SQ! And this was 30+ years ago! Now apparen... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Ohm's Law rules the amp/speaker interaction! And I agree with you that DF need not be excessively high to have adequate results! 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
I read a report by JA measuring a Prima Luna tube amp (some years ago). He found an output impedance of 8 ohms! This means a DF of 1 ohm or less! Combined with the typical varying impedance of most speakers this is way too high! How can supposedly...