
Responses from roadcykler

Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
For most people in this hobby, it's definitely the latter.  
Do you think driver “break in” is real?
No, I don't believe they do "break-in," What I do believe is people becoming accustomed to the speaker's sound. But lots of people also believe cables can be broken in, so there's that. 🙄  
Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?
I like how it you don't have a system that is supposedly highly resolving, you probably won't notice differences with new cables. "Highly resolving"being code for, "really expensive."   
A "Downgrade" that proved to be a spectacular "Upgrade" -------
As others have mentioned, cost does not equal sound quality (unless you review things for income or not understand expectation bias when you buy a more expensive item, then it always does).  
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable
They really should change the "entropic" part of the name because entropy isn't a good thing. Someone didn't do their homework.  
Integrated Amp ideas for a very young audiophile
Speaker Cable Recommendation
Doesn't matter. Is it possible that wires people believe sound "thin" because the wires are thin? Baffling.  
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
Doesn't matter. Parallel, perpendicular, etc, all the same.  
Speaking only about cables, because they don't make any difference unless there is something added to them. If it's just wire and connectors, they're the same.  
Duelund DCA12GA 600Vdc used as speaker cable: first impressions
Those class D amps are easily the weak point in your system. Just ask any of the audio snobs here. 🧐  
If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound?
@jasonbourne71 You're a broken record but you speak truth. If companies that made stereo stuff, especially any type of ultra high profit cable, relied on blind testing, most of them would go out of business. George Michael said it best, you gotta ... 
I used to think pricey interconnects were snake oil...
The more I read of some of the things people believe the more I'm convinced that audiophilia is tantamount to religion. You can't prove things with facts or objectivity so you have to have faith. "I know what I hear." 😐  
The Snob Appeal Premium
I have no doubt there is payola happening. A while back there was a review in Stereophile for a brand of speaker I'd never heard of and the reviewer admitted the same. A few short pages later, guess what? That's right, a full page ad for those spe... 
Am I defective?
Acting isn't that hard.  
Took the lithium ion battery plunge
The three most overused words in all of audiophiledom, it wasn't subtle.