
Responses from rlxl

Cable Influences: IC SpeakerCables Power Cord?
I would recommend you audition Chris VenHaus' PC's. Excellent cables and sound at a very reasonable price. HIs Flavor 4 cyro'ed's are stunning. 
Upgrade of interconnects - Suggestions welcome
Hi,If you're into DIY or can have your dealer or some local tech make a couple of pair for you to audition, I would strongly and most highly recommend you check out Chris VenHaus' fine silver IC's. I just finished a couple of pair and after burnin... 
pros and cons to running bare wire
Hi,Silver, I believe tarnishes, ie, oxidizes, like all other metals. And you're right. A contact cleaner like Pro-Gold will clean the wire; thus you won't have to keep cutting off the tarnished bare wire.Good listening to you. 
Bybees for just mid/highs and also Bass???
Avnut,The best results would come from installing a purifier at the positive terminal of each driver. This is fairly easy to do: unscrew the front mounting screws that attach the driver to the speaker box and carefully lift them out and then unsol... 
Bybees for just mid/highs and also Bass???
I have had excellent results w/bybees at the positive terminals of all drivers. I would spend the money for the bass driver. The effects on the bass driver would be the same as on the others: lower noise level, more articulation and detail. 
Placement,Treatments,Extreme Science Experiments ?
Isn't this a great hobby?Re: ear flaps---someone came out and marketed a set of white leather ear flaps to wear when listening to hifi a number of years ago, probably 15-18 yrs ago. I had a set and they definitely improved the fidelity. They have ... 
Review: Marsh Sound Design A-200s Amplifier
Thanks for the overview. I would have thought you would hate the sound, based on your moving from the ST-70's (which I think are very good amps). your comments have given cause to give a listen to these amps and preamps. 
The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.
George Bush, by a long shot!!! 
Review: Audiomod Mod for Sony 777ES SACD Player CD Player
Thanks for your review. I've been so pleased w/the performance of the stock 777ES, I've really wondered how much improvement I would gain from the mods. You (and David Robinson)have answered the question for me. I appreciate your comments. I have ... 
Best way s to clean CD's? Any updates?
I second dopogue's comment on Walker's Vivid. Everything else I've tried (and I have tried them all) is a distant second. Try this stuff. I think you be will amazed. 
Transport under 1500 new or used
Another thought, you might consider the Sony SCD 777ES. Excellent transport. Sacd playback would simply be a bonus.Try it. You might like it. (especially the quality of sacd. Very close to vinyl. Very close.)I was pleasantly surprised by its perfo... 
Any downsides to transformer volume control preamp
Hi,Since I have no direct experience w/xfrmr volume controls, I cannot comment. However, I, like you, have been interested, but have not taken the leap. FYI, Absolute Sound did a review of the Silver Rock a couple or so years ago (along w/a lower ... 
Cable Comparison-Stage 1
Hey guys,I can't wait for Stage II. Great review. Great reporting. Many thanks for sharing the joy of our hobby. We ain't crazy, we just insane!!! 
Review: Rega Elys Cartridge
Excellent review!! Very well written and informative!! "Don Rickels on Mountain Dew"??? "clear as glacially-cold Russian vodka"???? Simply excellent!!A most enjoyable read.Many thanks.BTW: I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and shell ... 
What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker ?
what about the Audio Physic Step SLE?