
Responses from rlwainwright

Jolida Tube amp lost output one channel
Swap the tubes from one channel to the next. If the problem follows the tubes, you have your culprit. If not, it's not the tubes...-RW- 
Preamp sugestions for an Anthem statment p5 HT?
It would seem that the upcoming Emotiva XMC-1 would do the trick for you, $1499. Check it out:http://www.audioholics.com/reviews/processors/emotiva-xmc-1-pre-RW- 
Best way to run in your Cable Elevators?
Wow, the original post is either a put-on or that member is seriously deluded. 10k for cable elevators? Yeah, right...-RW- 
My Quest For More And Better Music
Dude, I would have loved to read your post, but your lack of paragraph breaks makes that virtually impossible. Here is how you should have written it:My first system was a Sansui reciever and a Technics manual turntable. That was an excellent syst... 
$3500 integrated amp for Zu Definition speakers?
Wow, that Marantz integrated looks like a *very* nice piece!! And the 5-year warranty is a real bonus. I bet this integrated would make those Zus *sing*!-RW- 
Best Methods For Removing Dust From Drivers...?
A soft camel's hair brush, like the kind your wife has in her makeup bag, will do the trick quite well. And, it can be used on any type of driver...-RW- 
Anyone compare DH Silver Sonic to WW Silver USB?
Oh for heaven's sake, it's a USB cable. Don't stress too much on this, a decently built $20 cable will give you everything you need. Spending big bux on a USB cable makes no sense at all...-RW- 
lexicon mc-8 vs integra dtr-30.2
PrimaLuna Dialog 2 User Review
Wow, sounds like you definitely did not like the sound of the PL. Additionally, I disagree with the notion that an amp should be "voiced" for particular types of music. Ideally, an amp should have no voicing whatsoever - whatever is presented at t... 
Hybrid Integrated Amps: Any Good?
I have a Butler Audio TDB-5150 pwoering my 5.1 surround system and it sound marvelous. Read up on BK Butler's designs, they are revolutionary - and patented...www.ButlerAudio.com-RW- 
Best recorded rock song ?
Yeah, "Avalon" is defintiely a top 10er. I also really liked "Come On In This House" by Junior Wells, a DTS-CD. From the same album, "Give Me One Reason" with Sonny Landreth on guitar is awesome.Porcupine Tree's "Lazarus" from the Deadwing Adv. Re... 
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000
While it is true that spending big bux on speaker cables is not wise, IMHO, there are many great cables at the $250 and under range that work quite well...-RW- I use Goertz MI-2 Pythons from my Butler TDB-5150 into my Gallo Ref. 3.1s... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
Mapman, what venus are you speaking of in Maryland?-RW- 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
I think the single most important element that defines the difference between the sound produced at home vs a live venue is the room itself. In most situations at a live show, the % of direct vs reflected sound is much greater at the live show - u... 
Short Gallo 3.5 review
If the 3.5s are like the 3.1s, they *really* like to be driven by a high-current amp. Anthony Gallo uses Spectron amps for demos.I use a Butler TDB-5150 to drive my 3.1 and Ref. AVs in my 5.1 system. The Butler is a high-current, tube/MOSFET hybri...