
Responses from rlwainwright

Opinions on Reference LP Digitization System ...
And you want to spend $45k to digitize your LPs? For Heaven's sake, I think you need to get a grip on reality. You could *easily* make a superb transfer from LP to digital for *well under* $10k. Take the money you save and buy yourself a really ni... 
McIntosh MC252 or Butler TDB 2250?
Please allow me to add to the conversation. I currently own a Butler TDB-5150 driving an all-Gallo Ref. system. It sounds spectacular. Back in the day, I use to sell Mc amps, and liked them. And I have never hooked a Mc amp to my Gallos. So what I... 
question about "lower" priced CD players/DACs
If you really want a "lot better sound", don't spend money on your digital front-end. Rather, think about upgrading speakers and/or obtaining top-quality source material. Those are improvements you will *definitely* hear...-RW- 
iTunes + Amarra vs high-end CD players
My experience with PC-based file playback has been very positive. I use Foobar2000 as a DLNA server to pipe supported audio files (FLAC, WAV, DTS, etc.) to the Oppo BDP-93 located in my main system.I have found the sound quality to be on par with ... 
Which used speakers in the 5K range?
I always loved the KEF 105 Series. 105.2s or 105.4s are marvelous speakers. And, they are heavy, sit low to the ground, and are on casters. It would be virtually impossible for the kids to knock these over.The fact that they sound *sublime* is ici... 
Thinking of an upgrade for my turntable system?
Buy the best source material you can find. That will make more difference than anything else considering your budget...-RW- 
5 Channel receivers with Pre outs- where are they
Emotiva sell their UMC-1 Preprocessor for $499 with a 5-year warranty. If you have a separate amp, this might be a good way to go...-RW- 
Which cables cause issues for high bandwidth amps?
My H/K Signature 2.1 amp did NOT like my Goertz MI-2 cables until I installed a Zoebel network across the terminals of the speakers. However, my Gallo 3.1/Butler amp combo seems to have no problem with it. Apparently the MI-2s with certain speaker... 
Good bass test tracks on vinyl
Telarc 1812 Overture. Most turntables/arms cannot handle the cannon shots, the needle jumps out of the groove. The B&O tangential trackers were the only ones I found that could successfully navigate the entire disc...-RW- 
Turntable Recommendation for Beginner
I strongly 2nd the Denon DP-47 and 103 recommendation. The Denon tables of that vintage were incredibly well-built and are very good turntables all-around. And they are very easy to setup and use. They also *look* very good, very solid bases and s... 
Good budget amp for Mirage M1
You might want to consider an NAD amp - they have tremendous reserve power capabillity. NAD watts are better than most other mfgr's watts. A 125 watt NAD 270 will walk all over most 150 watts/ch. amps. Here's one on Audiogon for well under your bu... 
Weak link
You could snag a brand new Emotiva USP-1 preamp for less than $400 delivered to your door:http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/processors/products/usp1This preamp has gotten very good reviews and Emo backs it up with a 30 day trial policy and a 5-y... 
Anyone compare DH Silver Sonic to WW Silver USB?
You are right, Dalig, I have no experience with snake-oil cables. But I *do* have almost 30 years as a Ntwk. Admin/Programmer and I know that either the cable passes the bits or it doesn't. Bits is bits, folks, and NO amount of money will cause 2 ... 
Best speakers to "abuse" for around $2k ?
JBL L65 Jubals or L300s would work exceptionally well in your scenario. They are hard to find in good condition, but well-worth the search...-RW- 
This is the best i have built
Bravo, sounds like you have some killer systems...-RW-