
Responses from rlwainwright

Gary Moore
Yeah, I saw Gary back when he released "Still Got The Blues" and it was a whale of a show. He is sorely missed...-RW- 
Sub 28" HT towers
Klipsch Heresys....-RW- 
D'Agostino Momentum amp melts down
Atkinson *should* have run the 2nd exactly as he ran the 1st. If it blew up, he should report it. What is it with these guys giving a pass on this gear. If it can't cut it, WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT!!-RW- 
On High Current Amps and Regenerators
Most competent amp designs already filter out bogus AC. I would listen to the guy from Spectron...-RW- 
Blues: Good Vinyl Recordings
Well, I cannot find a vinyl issue of this album, but I can tell you that it is *very* well-mastered and recorded by Mr. Michael Bishop. Check out Junior Wells' "Come On In This House" available on CD and DTS-CD. The bass output is astonishing at t... 
NAD 7400 power envelope vs. Arcam Alpha 10P
I'm surprised that they dissed the Arcam considering how well it did driving a 1 ohm load.I owned NAD amps waaayyyy back when, had a 3150 integrated mated with a 2150 power amp. Ran 'em in bridged mode and *really* liked what I heard. As you know,... 
Component Impact
Yes. And speakers should always make a noticeable difference....-RW- 
HELP Best speakers btw 1000$ and 3000$. Real tests
I second the tekton recommendation and will also throw the Gallo Classicos into the suggetsion pile. Both companys make great speakers that are excellent calue. And both have in-home trial periods. Why not avail yourself of these options?-RW- 
2-XPA100 or 1-XPA-2 EMOTIVA... WHICH????
Soundwise it's pretty much a wash. Both choices will drive your speakers quite well. It probably comes down to cost and fitment within your rack or such...-RW- 
Speakers or.....
Obviously, if you can get the new Vandys into your home, you'll be able to make a more informed decision. I would *not* swuich to Maggies - bad WAF, costs a lot of money, you'll lose the seamless transition you currently have with the all Vandy se... 
Tekton M-Lore vs B&W 685
I believe the Tektons are significantly more efficient, thus providing you with more volume per watt. I imagine they would be a very good match with your amp. You may want to talk with Eric at Tekton and get his opinion, he is a very good guy...-RW- 
Amp connection question
Slikric, you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you leave this discussion to those who do?Back to the OP, yes you can do that. Will there be much benefit? Hard to say. The better your center channel, the more you may derive ... 
Best for under $5,000.00
I'd buy a Butler TDB-2250 2-ch. amp: tube/MOSFET hybrid design with tons of current and 250 watts/ch. As for preamsps, I'm not sure and will not make a recommendation...=RW- 
Active audio cables ? I have no proof it works
Wow, *please* tell me English is a 2nd language for you. What are you on about, mate?-RW- 
Static electricity Killin me.
Bounce dryer sheets. Place one atop your equipment and touch it first. This really does work WELL!-RW-