
Responses from rlwainwright

How do you hook up ekwal speakers?
Chad, you are very un-clear about your connections. Let's see if we can get you sorted. As Kal posted, here is how to connect:1) Run RCA cables from the L/C/R pre-outs of your receiver into the Emotiva amp.2) Connect the L/C/R speakers, using spea... 
Cured of upgraditis?
That's a nice system ya got there, enjoy!-RW- 
Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo
Sorry to hear about your health issues, good luck there. You might consider hiring a strapping high-schooler for $10-15 to place both amps outside the cabinet and allow you to switch speaker cables. Once you decide which one you like better, get t... 
Amp upgrade
The Marantz is a very good amp. But so are the XPA-1s. I think you might hear a mrginal improvement, but nothing that is, to coin a phrase, "jaw-dropping". Your money could be better spent elsewhere...-RW- 
Help for a rook...
The prepro is just another name for an AV preamp. And there are lots of nice prepros out there, have you established a budget?Separate amps for a surround sound system could be very problematical. You're gonna need a lot of electrical outlets. And... 
Who makes the highest quality tube amps?
I think Butler needs to be on the list. 25 year tube life, inexepensive tubes, very well-built chassis and excellent input and output connectors. Oh yeah, you also never need to fiddle around with bias - truly setup and forget...-RW0 
I would recommend you look into getting an Oppo BDP-105. This gives you a superb CD/DVD/Bluray player, the ability to connect a USB drive and playback FLACs as well as many other formats, in addition to network streaming capability AND a top-notch... 
What country still has music?
And, let's face it, her SuperBowl performance was eminently forgettable. The Stones, Prince, and Michael Jackson had much better - and memorable - shows...-RW- 
What country still has music?
>> Beautiful and wealthy <<I notice you didn't include "musically talented" in your description - good on ya!-RW- 
Oppo BDP-95
Sorry, I presumed that he had done a modicum of research before considering the move. I should have counseled on the use of the volume control prior to making the connection. My bad, mea culpa.However, I see *so* many posts on Agon where someone w... 
Pssst . . . . best New Album Perhaps of the Decade
Meh. Went to Youtube using the link on their webpage. 1st video played well. Music was derivative and boring. 2nd, 3rd, 4th videos played with no sound. 5th video played (SXSW show) and the song was dreadful.Move along folks, nothing to see here..... 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
>> Now, if only a few fat cats could afford them, and you had to kiss some snobbish salesman's butt to buy them, they would be the darlings of all the anti-music, Audiogearphiles and their guru reviewers.<<Hardly. The Polks are mid-fi ... 
Hope to find help with the following please?
Get it fixed? Or use only Type II tapes...-RW- 
Sonic differences on High-gain vs Low-gain Amp
Umm, if you have the amp, why not just try it with the 2 different settings and see what *you* think?-RW- 
Oppo BDP-95
Why so nervous? Just hook it up see what you think...-RW-