
Responses from rlwainwright

paradigm s2's?
Audition the S2s side-by-side with the Studio 20s at your home and make your decision based upon that. Anything else is just supposition and speculation...-RW- 
recommend a good computer and digital camera?
>> Didn't anybody read the original post?Indeed, seems like every professional photographer on the 'Gon chimed in with his Mac recommendation despite what the original poster asked for. Well, I've got some news for all the Macolytes out ther... 
High-end Universal...Why? ?
>> I believe there *are* many people who care about sound. To say otherwise is specious; otherwise why would anyone every buy a stereo system over $100? <<Believe all you want, but the fact remains that SACD and DVD-Audio have almost 0... 
recommend a good computer and digital camera?
Mac? Surely, you jest? Isn't that the computer that started out with almost 10% of the PC market and has managed to go to approx. 3% of the market in a few short years? Don't get stuck with one of those boat anchors.Get a reasonably-priced Dell or... 
High-end Universal...Why? ?
Ignorance is bliss for you guys, I guess. So be it. But remember, the audiophile tail does NOT wag the industry dog. DVD-Audio *may* succeed despite the poor roll-out of the product. And SACD *may* succeed if "regular" folks see real value in a hi... 
Dylan, Richards, and Waits
April Fools! Good one, mate! 
Is Sennheiser 600/650 an overkill ?
Probably not. I currently have two sets (1 for home, 1 for work) of the 580s - 1 was bought here for $125 and the other I got off Audio Annex for $85!!! They sound fantastic, are easy enough to drive with your PC, and do not seem to bother anyone ... 
Recommended vintage amps.
Look for Tandberg integrateds or receivers from the late 70s, early 80s - they sound fantastic!-rw- 
thoughts on frank zappa
"Average" IQ is 100, people like Einstein and such are around 170-180, there is no way in the world that Zappa had an IQ of 240. 140, maybe - and 140 ain't too shabby...-RW- 
Your favorite recent discovery
How about (legal) free music - all ya gotta do is download it!I've been on a tear over at db.etree.org - they have hundreds (maybe even thousands) of live shows available for free download. I'm particularly enamored of the Steve Kimock Band and a ... 
Budget, Seperates, 1,200 AMP & PRE, suggestions
Look around for the Harman Kardon Signature Series 2.0 Pre/Pro and the 2.1 5 channel amp - they sound wonderful together, look quite nice, and the pre/pro is simply loaded with features and yet has a simple and elegant interface. My wife finds it ... 
Can you help with music selection?
Give a listen to the Cowboy Junkies, many find Margo's voice to be sublime. You might also want to check out Loreena McKinnett (sp?), she has a very large body of work and is quite the looker, too. Also, take a listen to Liona Boyd, the gal can si... 
Question on KEF speakers
I sent you an email, this is for everyone else - Paradigm is a vertical mfgr. and have received critical acclaim for their products. I know my Studio 80s look and sound very good for the money...-rw- 
I'd take their claims with a grain (or two) of salt, these are the same guys who also sell those $500 lacquer-coated potentiometer knobs claiming they make a dramatic improvement in the sound. Shyeah, whatever...-RW- 
Anybody buying WAV downloads?
Last month I signed up for the Rhapsody service thru my ISP, Comcast. Since then I've downloaded 2 CDs worth of music - Bill Frisell and Sonny Landreth. Both CDs sound very good and appear to be on par with store-bought music. Rhapsody charges $0....