
Responses from rlwainwright

Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical
I second the Paradigm 100 recommendation. But I also have to add the new kid on the block, the Gallo Ref 3s. They are ASTONISHINGLY good speakers and I recently saw a pair on Audiogon for $2k. I'd buy them in a heartbeat if I had the bucks...-RW- 
What power is required to drive Paradigm 100's
How big is your room and how loud do you wnat it to be? I'm running Studio 80s with a 100w/ch. Harman-Kardon 5 ch. amp and it gets plenty loud in my 25'x15' room. The Studio 100s should produce similar sound pressure leves with the same input...-RW- 
Turrntable With or Without Suspension?
Go with a B&O - there's a nice TX-2 with MMC3 cartridge on Audiogon right now for approx. $400. They are impervious to outside vibrations and sound pretty darn good when mated with one of their top of the line cartridges. I currently have a BG... 
Which CDR is the best for audio?
Couple things:1) I find it extremely hard to believe the sonic differences between various CDR brands are detectable by most (or all) humans, if they even exist at all.2) Hard disks are nice, but try playing that music anywhere other than home - C... 
speakers with Ebony finish
I mistakenly wrote Taylor in my previous post, meant to write Tyler (I guess I crossed Tyler with Taylo and came up with Taylor - duh.) Looks like DrSeid had the same idea. Great minds think alike, huh? [smile]-rw- 
Shall we keep or sell our NAD 3150?
I had one for quite a while, nice budget unit with lots of "balls". Try to find another cheap and then run 'em in bridge mode, the step up in power output is amazing.-rw- 
speakers with Ebony finish
Ummmm, Albert, don't you think that almost $6k for the speaker cabinets alone would tend to bust his budget wide open? The guy is looking for fully-functional speakers for $2500-$4000, your suggestion would probably run $10,000 or more ready to pl... 
Early 80's - late 70's best audio products
This is easy, I sold most of this stuff way back when:1) KEF 105s - imaged like nothing else, tiny sweet spot.2) KEF 103s - man, these were GREAT little speakers.3) Tandberg 2075 - one of the best receivers ever made.4) B&O 9000 Cassette deck ... 
Is hdcd worth having ??
I would definitely opt for the HDCD-enabled model. Well done HDCDs sound *great* and can be found much cheaper than XRCDs, SACDs, and other hi-res formats.-rw- 
speaker cables for Paradigm and Musical Fidelity?
I replaced my Monster Z2 with 10' bi-wire Goertz MI2 and noticed an improvement in detail. Purchased them off the 'Gon for approx. $150 - well worth the money, IMHO.-RW- 
Best Bookshelf/Sub Combo for Loud Rock
I think it would be pretty hard to beat a Paradigm combo: Studio 20s (bookshelf) or Studio 40s (big bookshelf) mated to a Servo-15 subwoofer (comes with X-30 crossover). This system would ROCK YOUR WORLD and is within your budget...-RW- 
Digital Cable thoughts
Take the free cable - if it's not to your liking, you can always put it up on the 'Gon and get a different one.As for the power cable issue, find a good, thick, commerically available cord for $30 or so and have at it - it's not like a transport d... 
Building a home theater.
I'd take a *serious* look at the Galllo Ref IIIs, they are *very* good sounding speakers...-rw- 
Home Theater with Gallo Ref 3s
Take a good listen to the Gallo Due's, Dave P. has these mated up to his Gallo Ref IIIs and the combination is awesome.-rw- 
To much high
Fix your room. Add some absorbtive elements until you get the sound you're listening for.-rw-