

Responses from rixthetrick

Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
I'd be very surprised if Focal had used Townshend products, and be even more surprised if in Europe where they make and sell a lot of Focals, that someone hadn't purchased the exact model of your speakers and used Townshend under them.I would emai... 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@vinylshadow - Contact Townshend and ask them about their return policy, ask them about results on your particular model speakers, by customers.I suspect the only people who could honestly answer that with any authority are those who have actually... 
Speaker size and soundstage
+ 1 mozartfan Soundstage is defined by the sensitivity of the speaker and quality of materials used in construction (= engineering) of the speaker.These 2 factors will determine soundstage. And the prowess with which those quality parts are impl... 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@pindacI have three Japanese drumming CDs, and one in particular that I enjoy (Yakudo - Japanese Drums) which is more traditional sounding and organic of the three.Isolation has proved to provide a fast articulate bass from my stand mounts, where ... 
I see a lot of Chinese MBL6010D knock offs
@teo_audio - I thought this thread was long asleep.I tried some cheap Chinese knock off isolation springs that copied Swedish engineered ones, and didn’t end up using them, they simply looked similar with no attention to their intended use.I would... 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
mijostyn wroteThe problem is your floor resonates which is what muddies the bass. Back when I was installing systems (a long time ago) we hung speakers from the ceiling on chains or cables. I really do not think that work particularly well. Instea... 
Speaker size and soundstage
w123ale - shhhh keep that on the low low bro, speaker wires can't possibly make a difference **wink** (sarcasm intended) 
Speaker size and soundstage
+1 knotscott - yes, drivers that play well together in an inert enclosure,  crossovers with a deep symmetrical anti-phase at correct crossover points that reduce to the point of elimination of breakout from drivers. The baffle design and driver ba... 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@pindac - thanks :-) 
Townshend Audio F1 Fractal Speaker Cables
I tried. Mine do not vibrate. Well I would hope your headphones don't vibrate - not with you wearing them. 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@vinylshadow - if you can, post a picture of those items you are specifically talking about on a system page. Something about a picture says a thousand words... I’m not even suggesting your whole system if it’s an issue, just that which you are en... 
Why do people say low power amps should be good for bookshelf speakers?
I don’t know why, I have a 2 x 400 Watts potential driving my stand mounts??I have read very good things on that Purifi class D module, and their 6.5" drivers 
Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!
@pindac - I am wondering if the Quads 2912 do benefit from isolation? They don’t appear to have a conventional bass driver? I am happy to read of your experience, and acknowledge that I have never heard an electrostatic panel on isolation of any k... 
Townshend Audio F1 Fractal Speaker Cables
@ georgehoffmann60 - when Jeff gets his XLR going, I am going to try his Fedelium against my RibbonFlex cables, as I have speaker and balanced matching set.  
Audioquest Water XLR Interconnects
Thanks onehorsepony, I am investigating Audioquest Water XLR, and Earth as well as others.