

Responses from rixthetrick

Has anyone heard or built an Axel Ridtahler (Ridtahler dipole) sub woofer?
Yep a dinky di Aussie living in Texas, used to hot and muggy actually. Most Texans are pretty decent, I like their straight up honesty (generally) and take it or leave it, I make no pretence have no fakery nonsense generally. It works for me, and ... 
Has anyone heard or built an Axel Ridtahler (Ridtahler dipole) sub woofer?
Ha!Yesterday I surprised the younger workmate who's been assigned to work with me, alas I haven't worked out why the boss is punishing him, but I bet the truth will come out some day.I was playing music off my phone through the truck's stereo, not... 
Are you also leaving free (virtually) performance on the table?
Are you also leaving free (virtually) performance on the table?
Others with more specific knowledge, I would invite to share please? 
Are you also leaving free (virtually) performance on the table?
Thanks all, and I hope someone sees this who hasn't cleaned theirs, and perhaps goes at it themselves. 
Has anyone heard or built an Axel Ridtahler (Ridtahler dipole) sub woofer?
Jerry, I am presuming you've worked with MDF and know that inhaling the fine dust is very much questionable for ones health? I was told it's the adhesives used in it that is the problem, and I'd guess US MDF and good old Aussie MDF are pretty much... 
Are you also leaving free (virtually) performance on the table?
Thanks, it's not obscenely expensive. Appreciated 
Has anyone heard or built an Axel Ridtahler (Ridtahler dipole) sub woofer?
@asvjerry - have you heard riploles? I am probably leaning towards a pair of sealed servo subs.  
Are you also leaving free (virtually) performance on the table?
solid copper speaker [terminals] 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
there’s a new DIYer in town.- nonoiseIs that millercarbon? I say best wishes to you, and again I just believe people want open disclosure on products you frequently tout/promote ’if’ there’s a business or financial connection. I do not believe t... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Going back a bit MC was always touting the benefits of SR products to the skies for anyone within ear shot. Right around the time he started touting Townsend products I remember a throw away line he had about Ted Denny being an enthusiastic DI... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Looking forward to seeing the "full disclosure" statement at the end of each and every post from now on. - twoleftearsOh man, sarcasm galore. ROFL 
This Whole AC noise thing...SOLUTION!
09-04-2021 10:42am "There is no solution. Stop even thinking of it." - MCWow! Does that sentiment really jive with the icon you’ve chosen? Maybe Oscar the Grouch but Al?If we all lived by that credo, we’d all still be living in caves and wondering... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
I was a little surprised that MC publicly announced my intention to build speakers in the US, in such a manner, a model as yet not designed. However it is true, that is my intention for the future. I had never told MC that he was not to mentio... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
thanks jayctoy and tobes.