

Responses from rixthetrick

The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
danager - that's pretty incredible 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
yes miko71 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
+1 jjss49 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
On the other side of the globe, when I was in primary school, it was ABBA.Kids had AB on the left shoe, and BA facing them on the toe of the right shoes. They were from Sweden.Pink Floyd, the Stones, U2 in Australia was a pretty massive movements ... 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
@mikelavigne - I currently don’t own any vehicles, the 2020 GMC Sierra I drove from Texas to Washington (when I visited) is a perk. However, I have some pretty interesting car hifi gear for when I do purchase again, of note is the JBL-MS8 which ac... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
The wave travels through the conductor. How is the interaction to be controlled or, by implication, minimised. He doesn’t say.@clearthinker https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/skin%20effectMaterials and geometry of the conductors and diel... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
I forgot to mention, the earth is most definitely round. You meant three dimensional and more spherical in shape, right? 
In praise of isolation.
@mitch2 - thanks, I found the Credo Audio of particular interest.Cheers,Rick 
In praise of isolation.
I have never heard any spike, expensive or inexpensive, whatever materials, perform as well under loudspeakers as well tuned springs.I have Smalleys wave springs that cost me something like $25 , they sit between my 92lb stand mount speakers and a... 
Why is NASCAR suddenly topping the charts?
@millercarbon - I am shocked!It's not that Kelli Stavast an NBC reporter was caught, misreporting the public's opinion of the current President, in much the same manner as misrepresenting the words of the former President. It's not the intended ... 
In praise of isolation.
I can't believe anyone could hear vibration. @larry5729 - I am astounded that you believe you can hear anything that isn't a vibration, directly caused by vibrations, and perceived by vibrations. It's entirely vibrations that we hear. 
Absorb or Diffuse Behind Listening Position?
As others have said, binary amplitude diffusion on the back wall would be a good solution for you. From reading about them, it's less important how far away from them you are, as compared with say quadratic diffusion. And you do get a nice balance... 
« U » Shape kind of diffuser
@audiosens - So what have you gone on to use?I just installed a pair of QRD17 diffusers behind slightly and towards between the speakers on the front wall, firing the ports into the deepest wells. Even my wife could hear a beautiful and significan... 
Quadratic Diffusers
okay, I was on the same page. thanks 
Quadratic Diffusers
@boxer12- can you send me a link of an image or page with IRT BAD please?https://kedap-suara.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/panel-akustik-bad-diffuser.jpeg