

Responses from rixthetrick

Viking Acoustic - Fantom speakers
@jond - apparently I personally love horn speakers too! 
Viking Acoustic - Fantom speakers
So I just bought a Hegel H390 and
https://www.audiothesis.com/product-page/rosso-fiorentino-fiesoleMy pride was abruptly challenged when I put these Italian stand mount speakers up against my Lenehan Audio ML2 stand mounts that I built.These speakers are seriously highly resolv... 
Thread Responses Greyed Out
I should probably know better..@ebm - obviously not something you'd care to repeat, huh?  
Panamax Power Conditioner: Keep or Upgrade
I am sorry that I cannot provide any information of a suitable product in a very inexpensive price range. If you have the budget, the Puritan PSM156 works very well, and is one of the cheaper solutions that deliver at it’s level of performance (th... 
Viking Acoustic - Fantom speakers
So, what did I hear?The room was a large factory of sorts, if you ask me the sizes, I’m going to have to ask David too. I’ll just say these deliver a big controlled sound, and as I’d not encountered loaded horns before, I didn’t previously know th... 
New silversmith fidelium cable
@benzman - your house (and especially listening room) is quite a bit gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your system page with us. 
@jayctoy even a single stereo volume controller, whatever it may be, has to equally attenuate each channel individually. Just because it’s uniformly controlled by the same physical device, whether it is by reducing it through resistance, or anoth... 
Are you using a pre amp? What, or where is the volume controller in your system?It's kind of unusual that by raising the volume, you reduce a bad noise, that might be an indication of the volume attenuator introducing noise.Have you checked your v... 
New silversmith fidelium cable
Have you paid your millercarbon tax , that was an interaction with Krissy and myself.G'day Danager, nice to see you in here, after meeting you in person. 
New silversmith fidelium cable
Thank you for revealing yourself. I concede. Concede (verb) - to relinquish grudgingly or hesitantly.   
New silversmith fidelium cable
Thanks for confirming my comprehension of your intended message.Look at you, koo koo katchu! Come out, come out whoever you are? 
Just deleted my two posts asking millercarbon about his new turntable, found out by following tsushima1 right to it.Yeah, I mixed two conversations together, I'd had a conversation the same night and was discussing briefly or rather being introduc... 
New silversmith fidelium cable
@tsushima1 Sure, but AFAIK the term familiars wouldn't be accurate, not that I am not a fan of that genre of fiction, or movies.  
@chorus - rule out Italy too then?As well as Austria, Andorra, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (with Liechtenstein, as you mentioned),Nippon, and the Vatican? Often the people owning businesses you'd deal with today, weren't either ...