
Responses from ricmci

What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Great post. Looking to make a change so very useful.  As a side note, how did @ tblanka reply get through the moderator? Seems confusing about what is allowable and what is not! 
So I gained a few pounds and that lost love!
Actually just read Millercarbons post again and it gave me an idea. Pull upgraded RCA cable off one of the other components and give it a whirl. Cost nothing to try. Not sure why I didn't do this already. Duh! 
So I gained a few pounds and that lost love!
Thank you for all the wisdom. I will just enjoy it for what it is at this time.  Does it sound as good as other sources through the system? Not even close. Do some of the tapes sound decent? Yes. I'll just be content that I can actually listen to ... 
Fear of Streaming
Thanks for all the insight. It sounds as if everyone has found a nice balance and I think I have to frame it the right way from the start just as all of you have so eloquently stated. I think I will start researching streaming devices and go from ... 
Best father daughter dance song for wedding? Not Butterfly Kisses...
The Stevie Wonder rec for "Isn't She Lovely" was just beautiful once I listened to it. Go for it. 
Confused and need help
I completely agree with david_ten. Years go by, unless you have oodles of money, we make changes slowly. Our brains change slowly. Our ears change slowly. Our perception changes slowly. What we never imagined may all of a sudden be reality. All of... 
Powercord cinvert
Sorry, should be convert in title not cinvert. That is a cin in itself! 
Most annoying song, period.
@boxer12, how could you hate Mandy? It is beautiful in the world that it exists in. 
Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment
My 2 cents. McIntosh MR78 is an excellent tuner that also has that look. If you get lucky, maybe it has had the Modafferi modification already done. Pair it with a classic integrated unit. Synergy doesn't seem to be all that important since it is ... 
Robert Hunter unfortunately has died
Let us not forget how important this man was to probably 2 generations of music lovers. I was not turned onto music and the inner peace that it brought until I saw them play for the first time. He was just as vital as Jerry. I reflect with great j... 
SACD Player--Do you use it and feel you'd replace it if it broke?
I have McIntosh MCD-450 and I would say the SACD version usually sounds more alive than redbook. No comment on quality of recordings. My general perception. However, the difficulty in finding SACD I want to listen seems to outweigh the benefit. No... 
Media: Should we start hoarding?
I agree with Millercarbon. I would love to stop reading the Sunday Times if it were not for the crossword.  Best crossword on the market in my opinion.  Completely slanted newspaper otherwise. WSJ weekend edition much more neutral and has a great ... 
Can You Fell the Love Tonight?
I felled it a while back. Now that I am 49, I only feel it. Peace and love! 
Best audio tweak ever, especially for the over 60s
The only thing that should go in your ear is your elbow! 
Business Ethics in the Audio Industry
I don't find it unethical at all. Actually I see it as quite ethical in the fact they reimbursed your card. A nice business move would have been to offer you the upgraded component at the same price though certainly not obligated to.  If it were m...