
Responses from ricmci

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Stones, Let it Bleed. Great album. In that kind of mood. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Going chill tonight. Natalie Merchant - Tigerlilly 
Recommendations for fast sounding cables
Hate to say but you will never get what you are seeking with a change in speaker cables. Time to go back to solid state amp as others have implied or said. Save your hard earned money, sell what you have, and upgrade. Not saying SS is better. But ... 
good discussion on power cords
Turkey jerky. All I can say is I bought a mid-range power cord (around $500) for my integrated amp and the impact was immediate. Not subtle. The manufacturer cord had no distress. So I was comparing apples to apples. It wasn't even comparable. I'm... 
SMSL 98E killed my setup?
Santiagol, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can imagine myself doing the same thing. There has been some great feedback here because of your post which will hopefully help the rest of us whom would make the same mistake in the future to avoid ... 
No Direction Home, Dylan documentary by Martin Scorsese.
Huh! Is there a point to be conveyed here? That is about the best I can come up regarding this subject  
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
Kren0006, my experience with SACD vs Redbook is far from eye-opening. However, vinyl compared to CD seems to be on most occasions better. I have little to no experience with streaming as don't want to give up the physical and mental pleasure of ma... 
Really need some help finding a full range speaker
I haven't listened to a lot of speakers but I would say the the Vandersteen CT Treo was the most dynamic I have heard.  Out of your price range new but maybe used would be close.  Also only comes up to your waist or a little higher depending on ho... 
Sexy singer(s) and/or song(s)
@slaw already said it but Natalie Merchant's voice is just so enchanting.  Especially her work after 10,000 Maniacs.  Agree with comments on Lucinda Williams. While Lucinda's voice maybe sultry, Natalie's voice is just captivating.  I can sit back... 
Cartridge recommendations for Mac
Thx for responses.  Just read the user manual again and no specifications on the tone arm that came with the unit.  I will have to email McIntosh to see if I can get them. If it matters, I originally purchased the turntable without separate phone ... 
Sexy singer(s) and/or song(s)
@Slaw already beat me to it but Nataly Merchant's voice and demeanor has always done it for me. Her solo recordings after 10k Maniacs are just beyond beautiful. I can just relax in a state of inner peace when I listen to her sing River and Beloved... 
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?
I think that people/businesses/sales associate don't know they suck until someone tells them they suck. I will never forget about 12 years ago a nurse came up to me and said "Do you know that you have been a real ahole lately!". Changed my outlook... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Savoy Brown - Looking In 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Camel - Moonmadness 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
The Who - Live at Leeds. Just a terrible production. Maybe the actual show sounded better but the LP is just awful. I feel bad because my wife is from Leeds and I want to like it but just can't.