
Responses from richopp

Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews.
Ha-Ha! As professor, I can tell you that "grammatically correct" English is way over. Any combination of words and punctuation is now considered proper. People who are "edumacated" are viewed as "elites" and "snobs" and are thought to be subversiv... 
What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???
Used ARC tube amp to power the top end of my T-I-C speakers through my EC-21 crossover.Cheers! 
Blindfold Speaker testing
@mozartfan     Anyone who has plugged earphones into a system that contains a Dynaco 70 amp and thinks it is an Audio Research amp is clearly deaf.I have, and you can modify the Dynaco 70 any way you want and I guarantee you anyone can tell the di... 
Is There Any Reason To Buy A Reel-To-Reel Machine Nowadays?? you want a professional tape recorder to record live music.Cheers! 
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
Pretty much anything by Audio Research is a good bet.  Used ones are usually just as good as new ones.I would try a few before making a final decision if I were you.  You are probably going to keep it for a while, so take your time.Cheers! 
What ever happened to Mark Levenson?
In the mid-1970's Mark Levinson asked us (Sound + Wood of Boca Raton) to make some oak stands for his HQD systems since we were the premier hardwood audio company in those days.We made a few as well as a couple of cabs for the 22" Hartley woofers ... 
Speaker suggestions please - going to the BIG city
Call Audio Consultants.  Have them bring a pair of Magneplaners by your house and set them up.If you don't like them, at least you will have listened to speakers that do not add anything to the "sound" of all your hardware, which you will hear for... 
What tracks offer the best left right separation?
There were recordings of trains going from one side to another back in the old days.  Try one of them, maybe.Cheers! 
Do any of you kids , want your system ???
@tvad  Sad, isn't it?  And, I just moved (downsized) and really have no place to set them up other than the (now air-conditioned) garage, but with two cars there...I just don't know what to do.  I also have a beautiful Guild 12-string all maple, a... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
@douglas_schroeder I know nothing about Class D, but will look into it.  Mainly, I wanted to support your conversation regarding boxes.  When I opened my shop in 1974, I thought I knew a lot.  HA!  After locking the doors every evening, the real ... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
While I much prefer Audio Research products, I still use a Hafler 500 I built at my desk in my shop in 1974.  Recently checked over, the bias was adjusted and the amp pronounced perfect, and it sounds that way.  I am using it on the bottom end of ... 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
@jjss49 Opinions vary.Cheers! 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
@jjss49  I am not sure where you are getting your information.When I was a dealer in the 1970's-80's, Jim Winey and Bill Johnson had a marketing agreement and displayed, sold, and marketed their products in tandem.  You may wish to ask Diller (at ... 
Springsteen and Clapton on their favorite, heh, band.
Gee, what memories!  Thanks to the OP and all comments for this.  Have not thought about this (actual) music in a while--been busy moving.As for all the various albums mentioned, the NRPS one, all The Band albums, and of course both CSNY, Byrds, a... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
Well, all the electrons I have ever interviewed told me that SOME electrons like to drink a bit, and may get confused and actually go the WRONG WAY down a wire, but once they sober up, all is well again.Who knew?