
Responses from richard_stacy

Thenis...I have used the Z3's on and off for many years. In my system they sound extremely neutral, true to the source and quiet. I prefer them to most power cables regardless of price. I get fantastic dynamics, open (maybe slightly forward) and a... 
Rock n Roll w/Strings
Afghan Whigs/Twilight Singers. Very similar use of cello, maybe leaning harder to the rock/R+B side of things though. 
What amp for Q5's? Spectral, Solution, Gryphon
If you are going to consider Spectral, I would add the DMA 260 to your list. I know at least 2 people that bought the 260 over the 360 Series 2. Hard to believe a 10k amp competes with the upper tier you are exploring but apparently it does. Good ... 
Melody Gardot Live
Great band! Thanks for posting the clip! 
Karan amp experiences wanted
Himiguel...Just wanted to say that is a beautiful system you have assembled! I'm sure it sounds amazing. Congrats!! I have been curious about Karan amps for some time now. I've bounced around some and pretty much always go back to Spectral, always... 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
OBrown...never heard of Audra Mae, gotta check her out. Glad we have all spent your money:) !Since you like James Blake, he has a new EP and it's very very good, particularly the title track "Love What Happened Here" [R&S Records]. He also rel... 
DnB and Electro
Such a wide variety of electronic music...can you be a little more specific as to your taste? I could list 1000!Stuff I have been into lately:Andy Stott "We Stay Together"Miles "Facets EP"Nicolas Jaar...the new Darkside EPStuff on the Perlon label... 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
and...while I'm on the subject of soundtracks, I should mention the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack from The Cave Of Forgotten Dreams (Ernst Reijseger). Gorgeous cello performance with choral and piano. Very highly recommended. I have not had a ch... 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
The year ain't over yet!If you have a chance, listen to the new soundtrack to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo from Trent Reznor & Attica Ross. It opens with Karen O joining them for a remake of Zepplins The Immigrant song and it's wicked. Many... 
Berkeley Alpha Dac Series II, anyone heard it?
Sabai... admittedly, I'm not much for audiophile verbal expression so my apologies if it comes off as confusing. I guess I was just trying to say that I was able to notice improvements as soon as I began to listen to the series 2 but as a whole, I... 
Berkeley Alpha Dac Series II, anyone heard it?
Branislav...I have had my dac now for a couple of weeks but the trouble is I had sold my series 1 several weeks before it arrived. I think I have a good feel for the differences but I have not done a direct A/B not is this device settled in comple... 
Album Of The Year 2011
Mezmo...Many thanks for the kind words. Sometimes I wonder if my posts are much more than annoying! I really enjoy sharing music with the good folk here so glad it's mutual in some cases. I know my taste can push the boundaries of the typical Agon... 
Album Of The Year 2011
Sounds real audio...what a beautiful voice. Never heard her before, nice album!King of Limbs is good but I much prefer the TKOL remix's :) 
Album Of The Year 2011
Here's another Lara Marling video I can't resist sharing. It's the last song on the album, Sophia. Sophia is the goddess of power and a reoccurring character/theme throughout the record. 
Album Of The Year 2011
Marco...Diamond Mine was one I seriously considered along with the 2011 Tim Hecker releases, Ravedeath, 1972 & Dropped Pianos EP, but ultimately I knew the Laura Marling record was one that would stay with me. All great albums, it's hard to na...