
Responses from richard_stacy

Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
trebejo...i am not familiar with the pwd volume control however there are methods of digital volume control that do not degrade the signal. i know the berkeley alpha dac's does not and i believe there are others. figured i would jump in and compli... 
Upgrade from Kimber D60?
the stereovox was designed by the creator of the illuminati orchid and is, as he put it, a revised version of the orchid and pretty much the most he could improve on it. 
MIT Oracle AC 3
I use the AC1's which have 1 network box (power factor correction and stabilizer) and they are my favorite pc's, I have tried many. The best way to describe is by confirming that everything that MIT states these cords will do they do in spades. As... 
Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?
that is fascinating lawrence. i am getting so much conflicting information as i research this. there is a post on the a/v guide forum that says berkeley uses spectral amps in their voicing, not sure if it is true but i would not be surprised at al... 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
here is a thread that gives some small clarification to the posters above who seem to be struggling with the reality of power cords impact on sound. the comments from esoteric engineers i find particularly validating and i think parallels what you... 
Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?
i did post a message in his system setup area after i read your comment above, thanks. your suggestion would have been a more appropriate forum but that was the only one i found at the time. if nothing else, i found a new resource. i never really ... 
Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?
i know what spectral will say for certain. unless it is the "s" designated amps, all of their amps are only to be used with spectral preamps and spectral/mit cables. i just wondered what folks outside of spectral/spectral dealers thought of the re... 
Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?
wow, great point. i have read it many times but did not think about that detail. 
What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?
although i have not used them with the ct5, i am quite fond of the tara labs the one cord. very natural, slightly warm and just a bit dark sounding cord. i think it would compliment the thiels quite well, which by the way are some of my all time f... 
Your First Concert was.....
america, my older sister took me when i was 12. does this count? america? oh my. this may explain some things that are wrong deep in my soul. 
Soulsavers, Mark Lanegan, Gutter Twins
it's worth getting anyway. i held out for a long time and finally just downloaded it. at least it's 320k mp3, it sounds ok but the music is must have stuff. as i mentioned, i really like it better than the first record. dulli and lanegan really se... 
Soulsavers, Mark Lanegan, Gutter Twins
so envious of those gutter twins, soulsavers shows! do you have any idea where to find a lossless version of adorata? i think it is the best music thats come out for a long while, i actually like it better than saturnalia but only find it in mp3 d... 
Soulsavers, Mark Lanegan, Gutter Twins
spiritualized (love the name by the way!) have been fortunate and entertained, no doubt. i'm in ohio, not to far from "fountain and fairfax", and we get bits and pieces of most tours. i'm also getting old so concerts are not as easy on the s... 
Berkeley Alpha DAC vs Theta Gen VIII and stuff...
thanks for the comparison worldcat! i am still waiting for the bada to be delivered. going on 5 weeks so i hope any day now. nice to know that it compares so well to the theta which is like 2 1/2 times the cost! i am pretty damn anxious for it's a... 
Soulsavers, Mark Lanegan, Gutter Twins
sorry it should be .net