
Responses from richard_stacy

3 channel amps really good
i would suggest the theta to be as good if not better than the amps you have on your list (krell, mc and classe), certainly worth giving it a listen. i have had many, many multichannel amplifiers and put theta up with the best. surprisingly, the n... 
Pass or Spectral
congrats sergio! you have my end game amp/pre now. i am working my way there so someday i will join you. everyone has their opinion on what the best are and mine are the amps you own. have a blast and enjoy the music...i think you will find much t... 
even if the spdif is in fact flawed, the berkeley also has aes3. i have heard this argued before and always get confused. i think some think spdif is great and some believe it faulty, same with aes, same with usb, same with firewire.....dunno!they... 
Choice between Weiss Minerva & Berkley Alpha DAC
you have probably seen it but computer audiophile has a review that compares the two. there is a link on berkeley's site.i cannot tell you much about the other dacs but i use the alpha dac and do not wish for anything else. it is the finest digita... 
MIT Oracle MA Digital AES/EBU
thanks for the comments on the mit digital cables. i may be the only one who finds that cable dark and slower! i had suspected that the ma was a rough one to say no to. it is very helpful to read/hear others experience. i would be buying it on the... 
Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?
kops...the issue is not that the mit cables are "the best" rather their design is unique and prevents oscillation in spectral amplifiers. this is not marketing hype as many will attest to seeing them fry. it is not a sonic matter although fried am... 
The National...losless downloads?
Itunes would not work for me, needed wav or flac which the site Bwp sent me to had both. Thanks much! 
The National...losless downloads?
Wow! thanks Bwp! I actually did not think I would find them, thanks... 
budget digital interconnect
what is cheapo? could be many things depending on who's wallet! 
MIT Oracle MA Digital AES/EBU
Interesting. This must not be a very popular choice of digital cable. It seems odd to me as there are so many who use Oracle ic, speaker and pc's and they all are sota, up there with all of the very best if not at the top. hhhmmmmmm. 
Help with the move to digital server
there are many options, sort of confusing when you really start to digest it all! much depends on your level of comfort with computers and related gear. i have found that the easiest starting point are the logitech line of squeezebox products. the... 
So Many DACs - So Little Time
just to confuse things...if you can stretch just a little i would highly recommend the berkeley alpha dac. solved all my digital wants. 
Using Power Conditioners/Distribu with Amplifiers
i use an mit zstabalizer hg 3 for my krell fpb 600c which is a power hungry mother. when it first got the device i used the stock cord to the wall and it did limit everything. the amp sounded muddy and thick. i switched to my mit oracle ac1 from t... 
Berkeley Alpha DAC vs Theta Gen VIII and stuff...
rja...yes. after a really long wait it finally arrived and i am very pleased. rarely do i find a piece of gear lives up to the hype but this has and much more (for me). i am generally a skeptic.i suppose the easiest way to do this is to say robert... 
Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
trebejo...i am sure they would be willing to explain the math but my suggestion would be to listen to one! my guess is your ears will forget the formula and you will enjoy the music. they (berkeley) actually recommend bypassing any preamp so as no...