

Responses from rhyno

Anybody Heard Belles350a replacing a rogue 88
i have a 350a and it is an amazing amp---i have great difficulty imagining anything that can better it significantly in any area, and its $3500 retail,easily beating those 2x the money.i haven't heard the rogue 88. 
Any tricks to keep cats away from speaker grills?
kudos to those who wouldn't remove their children's fingernails...my findings:1) the scented sprays don't work. if you want to try this route, set the grills on the ground and squeeze concentrated lemon juice / fresh oranges onto them---cats HATE ... 
What High End Manufacturers Could Learn From Bose
good comment will, but one more thing--this industry NEEDS consolidation. how many speaker / amplifier manufacturers can a niche mkt support? well, it shouldn't support the amount that it does, but it does through the low overhead (working in my g... 
Best Pre-amp under 2k-USED
i picked up a joule electra la100mk2 for $1200 on this board.while not perfect, nothing is. the joule will beat the living crap out of just about every SS pre out there.highly rec'drhyno 
What High End Manufacturers Could Learn From Bose
very enjoyable thread...the comment about the porsche deserves response.yes, its a typical strategy to have a high price product as the intro to get snob appeal and status in the mkt (ala mercedes--used to start at $70k, now down to $30k), and the... 
What High End Manufacturers Could Learn From Bose
interesting thread--reminds me of the case study i worked on Chivas Regal (the worst scotch around). Chivas was a marginal player in the low dollar blended scotch mkt, and meer fodder for jokes amongst single-malt scotch conniseurs..but then chiva... 
I need some advice on speakers..
email me off line if you want to know more about the 2 setups i heard of the VSMs and the VR5s.but this much i can say for certain: they are NOT bright. if they sound bright / dull / romantic, its what is upstream.rhyno 
I need some advice on speakers..
the coincidents are great if you're an SET fan, otherwise i'd steer clear.b/w the VR5s and the VSM-ms, i've heard both...and thought the VSMs were much better. your room is ideally sized...but i wonder about the liberties you'll have to place them... 
Best isolation device for a tube pre-amp
tried the bicycle innertube sandwich that soundstage.com raved about and it was TERRIBLE. bass was slow & muddy.everything improved substantially when i put hard cones under the pre which sits on an MDF shelf on a rack. look at blackdiamondrac... 
Belles Research Corporation? ?
www.powermodules.com is my guessmakes the best amps for the $ in the world.rhyno 
OTL amps with Wilson Watt/Puppy 6s
hey tubegroover...is the bering any competition for the t-8s w/ the merlins?inquiring minds want to know 
Do cables really need "breaking in"?
first i couldn't believe cables sounded different--it didn't make sense.but they do.then i doubted that they could break in.but they do...some more than others (i.e. silver cables change substantially compared to copper)rhyno 
High End Components - How long do they last?
depends: components can last a long assed time. dynamic speakers, less so.planar speakers, maybe less, maybe more than dynamics (depends on factors like owner is a smoker, humidity, etc).powered speakers (like subs), probably the shortest life spa... 
what is the best speaker cable?
agreed. the int amp is where your $$ should go. but fwiw, best cables (there is no "best"---too dependent on upstream / downstream):cardas golden cross / neutral refernceJPS SuperconductorJena LabsNordost ValhallaTG Audio (all silver--and best ban... 
Modifying a Pioneer Elite PD-65......
and tony makes arguably the best transport ever (UTP-1). find tony.rhyno