

Responses from rfogel8

Best Phono Stage within 2000 $
Jloveys, that's 66db plus line stage which will handle any LOMC I can think of including your .2mv MC-2! 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
Cytocycle, I live in Michigan and have a forced air furnace with a flow through humidifier yet the air still gets pretty dry in the winter. Even so, I have no static problems with "cleaned" records. If you're wearing shoes around the house, partic... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
Cytocycle, I've been going to CES for many years and always make it a point to check out all the toys in the Musical Surroundings rooms. This year I again looked at the Double Matrix while chatting with one of Garth's reps. I specifically asked hi... 
Dynavector XV-1s set up
On my Tri-Planar the XV-1s tracks nicely at 1.87gm though I intend to experiment with slightly lower settings. Feeding an AS MP-1 Mk3's phono, I'm happy loaded at 200 Ohm. I've tried more and less but for me, 200 seems to be the number. 
Stereo Sound cart rankings
Cmk, I did miss your "clarifying" post. For the money the 103R is probably the one to beat. A good friend has two Denon 103's, one being the R version. After break-in and getting familiar with the sound, he went with one of the after-market wood b... 
arguments against starting a vinyl collection?
I think you should stick to digital. That way the rest of us who prefer vinyl won't have to compete with you in the used lp market. 
Stereo Sound cart rankings
It looks like the budget list to me too and besides, who gives a rip how some audiorag rates cartridges. Most of them have an agenda, can't hear or both. 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
I've had a Clearaudio Matrix since they first came out some years ago and wouldn't even consider another rcm. Three of my 'phile friends were so impressed with mine that they too purchased the Matrix. As for the Double Matrix, I saw it demonstrate... 
Best 5-10 Rock Recordings?
Without getting into high priced reissues I'd say Doors 1st couple albums on Electra are very good. Hendrix Electric Ladyland is excellent. Jeff Beck Truth with Rod Stewart & Nicky Hopkins on piano is very good. Any Beatles on Parlophone/EMI l... 
Will the new C.A.T. LEGEND be the ultimate preamp?
I talked to Ken yesterday for about two hours. The replacement for the Ultimate 2 is called the Renaissance. It retails for $7995 line only and $9995 with phono which also uses the step-ups, teflon boards and a couple other changes I don't recall.... 
Galibier owners How do you like your music now?
Mothra, Go to Galibier's website and look at the pictures of the Gavia and Stelvio armboards. With arms like SME, Graham and those where the cable feeds through the bottom of the arm you can't use the much thicker and more substantial Stelvio board. 
Tube sound with no tubes
You may find a SS preamp that gives you "warm" sound but I'm doubtful you'll get "holographic" from anything SS. It's been a long time since I gave up the search and went with tubes but since I have, I'll never go back. I've owned five different t... 
Suspended vs. non suspended turntable
In years past I've owned three suspended tables; two Sota Stars and a Basis 2500. The Sota suspension worked extremely well with heavy footsteps, the Basis system didn't work worth a damn. Even walking softly anywhere near the table created proble... 
Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable
No tape splice noise here either. If it's done correctly, which ain't too difficult, it's a non-issue. 
Built-in phono stages
I've had several full function Cats and while their phono section is quite nice for MM's and higher output MC's, anything less than around .5mv and you can forget it. I ran an Ultimate II with Klyne 7PX3.5 phono for a few years and loved that comb...