
Responses from rfnoise

Auralic Aries
@ghdprentice I totally agree with you. The only other forum I’ve spent time on caters to vintage Vespa enthusiasts, and is populated by a group of genuinely helpful folks, where abusive posting will very quickly get one banned. When I first came o... 
Auralic Aries
@ghosthouse So... my Monolith USB’s arrived today. It turns out that the 1m length cable was long enough, so that’s the one I hooked up. I sat down to give a skeptical listen and... WOW! The soundstage somehow seemed more focused, and more well de... 
Auralic Aries
@ghdprentice no worries, friend. I didn’t get the impression that you were aspersing the Aries; as a matter of fact I’ve found your input both thoughtful and informative, and I thank you for it. Pleasant change of pace from the vitriol and condesc... 
Recommended cheaper vintage SS Integrated Amps?
Check out the Yamaha A-1000 (not DSP A-1000, that was a home theater receiver). It was their flagship integrated amp in the early eighties, and sounds excellent. It operates in pure class A up to 10wpc then slides into class A/B up to 120wpc into ... 
Streamer Advice / Recommendation for Denafrips R2R DAC
You might take a look at your amp’s matching preamp, the RC-1590. I can’t vouch for it personally, but it seems to be well reviewed. Looks to have a competent onboard dac, which would put you in a position to buy the preamp, then add your streamer... 
Listening to digital and analog
Maybe not the best for those Michael Jackson CDs.🤣🤣🤣Well played, sir.  
Auralic Aries
@ghdprentice I appreciate the rather eloquent elaboration. That must be the “blacker blacks” I keep reading about. I have to admit, that must be some kind of power supply you’ve got. I bet when that baby hits 88mph you see some serious sh*t!Seriou... 
Streamer Advice / Recommendation for Denafrips R2R DAC
This video review of the Aries G1 does a pretty good job of showcasing the Lightning DS interface.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bO1RHX3LuQI forgot to mention earlier, there’s also the Aries mini, which a lot of folks had good things to say abou... 
Auralic Aries
@ghdprentice that is consistent with my layman’s understanding of noise floor. Would it be reasonable to attribute the new appearance of low level sound (i.e. softer notes I hadn’t noticed before) in the program material to a lowering of the noise... 
Streamer Advice / Recommendation for Denafrips R2R DAC
@soix I was thinking exactly that when I read the OP’s post, but I’m kind of leery regarding offering unsolicited advice. Good call.@pmreagan2 you can do pretty good for a preamplifier on the preowned market. Mine retailed new for $7k, was able to... 
streamer to DAC connection
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like I read that most dacs require USB connection for asynchronous functionality. 
Streamer Advice / Recommendation for Denafrips R2R DAC
I was in the same boat as you, with the Aries G1& G2 outside of my budget. I recently purchased an original Aries Femto with linear power supply, preowned, for just under $700. It was the second time I’d seen one at or around this price point,... 
Auralic Aries
Well, I ended up ordering TWO of those monolith cables, one each in 1m & 2m length. If nothing else, it’ll give me something to compare any other cable I may try against. 
Auralic Aries
@ghosthouse Hmm... well if the optimal length is 1.5m, this cable is only available in 1m & 2m lengths...Also, I discovered something interesting in the Lightning DS app...It was my understanding that the one downside to moving from PC to dedi... 
Auralic Aries
@ghosthouse maybe I’ve been spending too much time on the forum, but I have a hard time trusting the quality of a $15 cable... But you’re right, The price is low enough to take a gamble on. Thx, I think I’ll give it a shot.