Responses from rdk777
What Cartridge Manufacturers Will Retip Their Moving Coil Cartridges For A Fee? I think Soundsmith has the best deal for re-tips/rebuilds. Their top cartridges have great reviews and people do like them - you should be able to find something compatible with your Sumiko. The Hyperion ES Mk II, their top MI cartridge retails f... | |
The Popularity of the Kuzma 4P (11") @pindac - the 124 MH 124S is the older version of the 1200 S. | |
The Popularity of the Kuzma 4P (11") @mijostyn - thanks again for your opinion on a product you've never owned or used | |
Woody Shaw- Blackstone Legacy Thanks - pre-ordered from Amazon. | |
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum It totally blows that we have to pay such high prices for cartridges and then there is very little support if a cartridge gets damaged or is faulty. Shame on Mofi, This is what's wrong with the highend audio world. I'm going to stick to cartridge... | |
Thinking of upgrading Go For It. If nothing else, it'll at least impress the chicks. | |
Dynavector XV-1S If you want to go cheaper route - send to Steve at VAS Audio. He's one of the best. Lots of discussions on this topic at Agon if you search. Good luck. https://vasnyinc.com/ | |
WRT Cables (Chen audio labs ) Another user of WRT cables. I currently have the WRT XLR interconnects as well as the Energy Pump power cables in my system. After break-in of almost 50 hours, I can say that I could not find much difference between my existing interconnects and ... | |
Audio Research Owners Worried? There are multiple threads going around indicating that Audio Research has filed for bankruptcy. | |
All Stocked Up and Nowhere To Play Great for frisbee. | |
Record Stores NYC Take the subway to Union Station - it's walking distance to Academy. | |
Was I Expecting Too Much Another thought - for $16k +/-, I'd look into the Stabi R and Kuzma 4P - there are good Kuzma dealers in the greater Los Angeles area where you might be able to audition the table/arm. At that price point, the tables are pretty comparable. | |
Was I Expecting Too Much ^ Nonsense. It's opinions like @russ69's that degrade the value of customer service. I don't think it's too much to ask for a demo - some dealers just don't want the headache of setting things up. The same dealer had a pair of trade-in speakers ... | |
Admitting my error… Records are the bomb. Buy what you can afford and buy new - that's the best way to start a collection. Used records on Ebay/Discogs are mostly disappointing. Used record stores are also inflated in price, but I enjoy frequenting them on weekends ... | |
Sold a component and bought it back, am I nuts? You are what we would call a "Rocket Scientist" in the audiophile world. |