

Responses from rdk777

Fozgometer/Adjust + Exchange
Pasadena . Per Fieckert website- Adjust+ works on all dual-core PC‘s running at least Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3, appropriate soundcard necessary Will that work for you? 
Alternatives ot Dynavector DV-1t
The XV-1T is Dynavector's best/most expensive cartridge.  I had the 1S and was a great cartridge.  The XV-1T is in the class of some of the following top carts of all these mfrs - at the end of the day, it depends on your table and preference:ZYX ... 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
I bought a Yo-Yo Ma LP Songs from the Arc of Life from B&N which had a free download sticker on the cover. However, the download didn't work and when I contacted B&N they insisted that the album could not have had the download sticker and ... 
Review that talks about the 12AV7'shttp://www.tonepublications.com/review/rogers-pa-1a-phono-preamplifier/ 
Rob-Resurrecting thread.  Used Dynavector XV-1S (~0.34 mv) and currently using ZYX Universe II X (~0.24 mV) - both have produced good results with the Rogers PA 1A.  The biggest difference was when I replaced the 12AU7's with 12AV7's and a pair of... 
Demo Windfeld Ortofon Cart at Musicdirect
Nandric-When mfrs sell refurbished items - that to me means that it was initially damaged or didn't meet the standards for whatever reason and hence had to be repaired/fixed. I've always chosen "open box/demos" over "refurbished" items that are ... 
Dr. Feickert Protractor
Thanks all for the input. I actually ended up getting it.  Relatively easy to use.  I wasn't there when dealer set up my table, but it was way off.  Sound actually made a difference.  I also got the Fieckert Adjust +.  It was fun to use, but since...