
Responses from rch102a97

Pure Note Cerulean
Audiofankj: I used to run a small online business. The problem with wires, bank drafts, and money orders is the refund process. If your business runs on credit cards it is easier to do a credit compared to the other methods. Most people buy with c... 
Pure Note Cerulean
Hassel: I will say this. I called my bank manager about the wire transfer "risk." He did confirm that it is a risk and did not recommend giving out bank routing numbers and account info. So, if Pure Note chose not to do this it is their right but ... 
Pure Note Cerulean
Well, I can't blame Pure Note. No way I would give out my checking account information to anyone. The latest trend is forged bank checks. So why did you not pay by credit card? 
Cables for Tenor OTL
There is a guy that posts on the Asylum that has a similar setup and he uses Pure Note. FWIW. 
Pure Note Cerulean
I am auditioning the speaker cables now and they are quite good, far better than my Nordost SPM Ref. Completely different than the Epsilon series which were great for the i/c. Who knows how long they will be on sale??? Maybe this is the last day??... 
Valhalla vs. HMS vs Jena Labs vs. Shunyata Phoeni
Check out the review on the Pure Note Epsilon. Compares to HMS and Valhalla but much lower in price!http://www.stereotimes.com/cables091403.shtm 
Any feedback on the new Wolff PC ?
I would like to see the UL/CSA certification on this cord :) 
I'm Not Flexible
Check out the ION cord, only $150 US. Ribbon type and is very flexible plus it compares to much more expensive cords.http://www.purenote.com/SonicPrecision/powercords.htm 
Is a cable cooker worth it?
No. Just break-in on your system. 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
Abex: I found that if you remove the barrel on the Cardas they sound better. Eichmanns IMO, sound strange due to the plastic dielectric. Some of the Vampire plugs sound good. I still like WBT-0101. 
Which cables go with what?????
Rjwood: AudioEngr has done the self promotion before in past threads somewhat disguised. The fact that this thread has over 68 posts supports this. Great publicity! 
What happened to Pure Silver Sound
Not very serious as a business, more a hobbiest proprietor. Lots of other good cables out there if you don't want to wait. 
Good speaker cables for tube amp's??????
I have a pair of Tenor OTL amps and use the Pure Note Epsilon Ref. These cables are open, detailed, and very three-dimensional with just the right tonal balance. Website: www.purenote.com 
Best speaker cables for B&Wn803 and Cello Encore
Don't forget that Audioengr is Empirical Audio. Self promotion is still alive in these forums. 
When to bi-wire?
Sonically I like bi-wire but some speakers sound better with single wires and jumpers. Need to compare.