
Responses from rch102a97

ultimate interconnect recommendations
Mix and match, been there done that. Very system dependant. You need lots of experience with various brands of cables to optimize the results. I really prefer a single brand solution and this can be done with the better cables. My speakers are hom... 
Recommendations for Shielded Power Cord
Ideally you need a magnetically shielded power cord. The Pure Note Epsilon has that feature, www.purenote.com. 
The interface makes the difference. IME a good coaxial sounds best especially with BNC terminations. 
What Type Brand of ST Glass Digital Cable?
I use a Siecor glass ST patch cord. Just as good as any and only $20 from JCH wire and cable. 
Who knows about ACOUSTIC ZEN?
I have owned Harmonic Tech and Acoustic Zen. Mr. Lee was one of the founders of Harmonic Tech, and has moved on to form AZ. There are some sonic similarities but I opted for the Zen. Much better than the dark sounding Cardas. Another great cable i... 
powercord to levinson 23.5 and bat cd player
I chose the Pure Note silver power cord $550 (1m) for my Levinsons. I can believe the claims of NO loss from MFG. with the 7.5 gauge silver wire. FWIW. For the BAT maybe a TG audio? 
Any speaker cable's sound quality just blown you away?
I agree with Mr. Campbell, a cable should not "blow you away." Speakers can do this, however. Even if you are using lamp cord there should not be a huge difference among cables. The SPM's in my system sounded less focused than a good silver cable.... 
Which powercord has the best Mid?
I have just finished my testing on a few power cords. It seems that the ones that have good mids are dark sounding to me. I like a cord that is true throughout the audio range. NBS and Pure Note so far are the best IMO. 
which powercord? jps,esp,shunyata....?
You need to try a bunch to really know. Try the Cable Company, Audio Advisor, or Pure Note to get 30-day trials. 
wow, a newbie power cord convert
Yes, you have discovered the magic of power cords. Does not seem possible given the cheap solid copper wire in the wall. I have recently evaluated several power cords, Electraglide, Harmonic Tech, Cardas, NBS, and Pure Note. They all sound differe... 
Power cord for Rowland Model 10?
Pure Note has a really nice silver shielded cord with the 20-Amp IEC plug. Web is www.purenote.com. Good luck!