

Responses from raytheprinter

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ella F. ,,Fine and Mellow 
welcome,,blows me away everytime i listen to it, 
Quit vinyl?
sorry for going off the thread,, 
Quit vinyl?
stanley jordans version better than jimis!!!! i dont think so,,just my humble opinion ,,i have both albums,jimi blows stanley away,,i guess you can tell im a big hendrix fan 
Best Source for Replacement/Upgrade Tubes??
i bought a pr. of NOS cryo, that im very happy with from ATSI advantage tube services,561 434 3799,info@tubeman.com,friendly fast service! 
Best female vocals on CD
Tvad,ive been listening to Madeleine Peyroux"careless love"allmost nonstop for 2 weeks,,, Wow!! 
Best female vocals on CD
Michaelhwolff,interesting suggestion!will have to check her out ,,, 
Same CD/Album or Music ,In cable comparison,
not a bad idea at all,im sure everyone has a few fav. pieces of music they use to evaluate systems with,,,i enjoy when somebody uses a recording im familier with to describe what they are hearing,, 
Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..
i also like Doc Watson ,,,great stuff,,,,,, 
Amp suggestions for audiophile virgin
hi swingdoc,for multiple inputs i believe youll need a linestage preamp,the kinds of music you prefer and volume will be a factor ,buy used and get better quality for your money,also an integrated will simplify things. good luck! 
New speaker "break-in" music?
crystal method,,,,, 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
tonite im starting with a new album,gentle giant"octopus" 
Low watt system for rock,electronica?
thanks again for all the responses,im considering selling my home theater system to make room for a SET system 
Has anyone heard the ASL Monsoon monoblcks ???
i heard them with VR4s ,they were very impresive! 
How Loud Do You Listen??? Do You Know?????????
my average listening is between 87db 93db