

Responses from raytheprinter

sexiest sounding female vocalists?
DK Design Group VS-1 what powercord/ic are using?
Hello Nick,could you please describe how your amp sounds!!! 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Pehare,i tryed that back in 76,trouble was nobody could manage to change the album,so we listened to Todd Rundgren a wizard a true star,over and over,,never heard it sound that good since,,,, 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
my favorite,,take 1 apple,1 beet,1 carrot,sm.handfull parsley,and put in blender or juicer,,,pure heaven!! 
Need Good Advice - Speaker Cable
i added a power conditioner,chang3200 that helped with a bit of top end grunge,took a while to break in,,im sure theres better PCs out there ,but the 3200 works well in my modest system,, 
Your favorite type of music and genre?
i listen to all kinds of music,allways looking for new music to enjoy,jazz,chamber,bluegrass,rock,funk,r@b,electronica,alternative,swing,old country,latin,world music,i dont like much rap except,early snoop dog,dr.dre,ice t,patra 
What do think of Anthem PV2
your right there is not much info on audiogon for Anthem PVA 2,theres a few reviews on Audioreview.com also do a google search youll find a few magazine reviews,audioreview is all consumer reviews,if power is a concern you can get a used MCA 2 whi... 
What do think of Anthem PV2
Hello Carusoracer,i have a PVA2 with a tube preamp and paradigm studio 100s and am pretty happy with it ,im getting a cj mf2500a in a couple weeks,the anthem works good with all kinds of music,very easy to listen to,i think its a great amp for the... 
Hendrix Voodoo
didnt he also use a univibe ,a leslie rotating speaker simulator effect 
Why do mass marketed CD's sound so crappy?
I agree with Sean 100%,,,,,well put Sean!! 
Pass X150 or CJ MF 2500,,,
thanks for all the responses!Txp1,i put money down on the CJ at Spearit sound ,should have it by or before Jan. 13,Talon4,i listen to a lot of diff music,no rap,,my preamp was built by a guy that works for VAC now,he said it was built with SS ampl... 
Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution
geez i fergot about the plastic battery powered portable record player and my box of top 40 45s i had in 1969 10 yrs old!!! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Steely Dan,Pretzel Logic,,Scissor Sisters,,Gene Ammons,Blue Gene,,hey Rob,if youd like ill bring my Scout over to see how it sounds in your system! 
Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?
Slipknot,how can i buy Pauls cleaning fluid ,and how much is it?