

Responses from raytheprinter

Whats on your turntable tonight?
air "10,000 hz legend" good late night lp 
Record cleaning machine advise, want to buy,"HELP"
just ordered vpi 16.5 ,looking forward to listening to clean records!! 
Florida A'goners Bolt yer system down
here we go again!! 
suggestions for 6cg7/6fq7 preamp tubes
thanks Ed!! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
sade"stronger than pride" "a boy named charlie brown" the juilliard quartet "debussy/ravel ,string quartets" 
Record cleaning machine advise, want to buy,"HELP"
hello Rob,from what ive read ,VPI 
studio 100s and CJ MF 2500 a good match ?
thanks Cellorover,sure helps,sounds like an amp i would enjoy,im pretty sure ill be upgrading to a 2500 soon,another month or so of working overtime LOL 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
starting tonight with,Flash "Out of our Hands" then Air "Talkie Walkie" my tv failed to make it thru the hurricaine so ill be listening to music untill payday wed.oh well just the right excuse to buy a new one, 
studio 100s and CJ MF 2500 a good match ?
cj mf 2500 owners,are you happy with this amp? 
Best Bike to ride before a good listening session
refurbished trek elance,i got it at a yard sale ,put new tires , tubes and rear chainring ,cleaned up well,, 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
hello Rushton,american IV :the man comes around,,,2002 american recordings,LLC,man. and marketing by Lost highway records,rick rubin,there is also a box set of his last recordings,but ive only seen it on redbook cd,hopefully theyll release it on l... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
johnny cash "the man comes around" the doobie brothers "toulouse street" yes "close to the edge" 
Florida A'goners Bolt yer system down
its 8:00 am sunday ,lots of wind and rain,,still just getting the outer bands 
Florida A'goners Bolt yer system down
1:30 pm the wind is picking up and a little rain,,im on the west coast bradenton,,so it will be a while before it gets worse,,best of luck to those on the east coast!! 
VPI Scout owners.,.,question 2
ps,,hex wrench will bend and twist before it breaks,do not strip hex head out,if it feels like the wrench is turning without loosening the hex ,stop!