
Responses from randy-11

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
which others have you done listening tests of the Benchmark Media DAC3 against?I like the price & features... 
Is anyone still using kimber 4pr?
I think I've got some. 
FM alive and well here...curious question
Yamaha TX-950  
Furutech AC Receptacles
yes, just enjoy their BSsadly consumers are being defrauded 
Speaker cables if your amp isn't between your speakers
for Wilsons, I'd do it right - buy some quality monoblocks - use short speaker cables & run balanced lines to the monoblocks 
Audiophile Humor
besides Audio Cryptic, there is Stereopile, The Absolute Clown, etc. 
Audiophile Humor
yes, ironic - actually I thought he'd died 
New Release CD Players $1000 - $1500
you will need to audition the nad, Oppo & Cambridge - all are xlntLuckily, all can be bought with a return privilege.  Try to set up a double blind test, and start making copies of CD tracks for testing while you wait for them to ship.  
New Release CD Players $1000 - $1500
are you trying to avoid other features for some reason?The Cambridge is a fine CD player; Oppo wins awards all the time - both have other features... 
lap top tunes
mac laptop or Windows?what format (coding) are the files in now?did you rip them from CDs? (Redbook) or get SACDs or other material on there?some have said an SSD will give better SQ than using an HDDsome say an onboard processor using your CPU/GP... 
Who makes coax speakers?
a planar speaker will do that very well - a Magnepan ribbon tweeter will act as a line source 
Audiophile Humor
Aczel used to have some good cartoons in the The Audio Cryptic 
Class D = Trash?
no-bell - instead of wasting time on your verbose post above, you could simply use google to search for "inharmonic distortion"try it(and, no, I don't claim that Class D is good or bad -- I DO want to know if it offers any advantages for me) 
Grateful Dead May 77 Box Set Announced
still have the CAL Audio spinner - may get the Oppo 205 (and use it as a DAC too); if so the CAL Audio spinner may just go downstairs as 2nd bedroom system (old Maggies and Sonic Frontiers Line 1 pre- also could be down there, at least for a while... 
MRI grade vs Hospital grade electric outlets
magnetism in the outlet will not affect your SQthe only thing you need from an outlet is good contact so your amp will have adequate current flow esp. on peaks and there is no need to spend more than a few bucks on an outlet -- if thatsave up for ...