
Responses from randy-11

Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
Magnepan 20.1 X-over
but.. WHY?different jumpers will not affect the soundwhat you really want is the 20.7's 
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
pick a Rega that matches your budget, then see if there is anything better 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
the only help for the OP is to try different (inexpensive) cables from one of the 'rental'/return places until he finds something he likesno way to predict what sound alteration will be most pleasing 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
Speaker Cables cannot "change" (for better) the audio program, but they can certainly alter a highly complex load (impedance) so that a listener might like the resulting sound better.No need to spend a lot of $$ to get that however.Unlike the woo-... 
Looking for an used, inexpensive pre amp
I did not like the SYS 2-input passive and returned it.  To be fair I auditioned it against a tube pre-amp  
Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?
ME.  I have about 2,000 CDs ripped onto my computer (mac mini).  The real SQ problem is in the mastering or recording made, so I am always looking for better releases.I also have a couple dozen SACDs, and many of the CDs have HDCD processing on th... 
Looking for an used, inexpensive pre amp
good circuit designremoteadequate control facility to meet your needs 
Tape-in and Tape-out ports
works great with 8-track recorders 
Best Usb A to B cable in $100 to $250 cost zone?
Any USB cable that (really) meets the USB spec. and makes a good connection will be as good as any other.  It should cost a lot less than $100.  Your friend is smart.Now, if there is an issue with noise (perhaps causing jitter) you will want to do... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Apple HomePod
Alexa in drag? 
Low-voltage wiring
it won't hurt to snap a ferrite core on your other wall wart power cablesthere is some thinking *by the guy who designed your iso regen btw) that inductance on the wall wart cables should be as low as possible - there is a thread about how to buil... 
Bookshelf Speakers - $500-$900 range
I was going to say epos, but I saw the Kef LS50 in your list - they have gotten great reviews 
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
The Master Handbook of Acoustics has good information on speaker placement.Real information, not alt. facts or creation "science" or witchdoctor woo-wooThe subject can be a bit complicated, but the exact center of the room is usually not the best.