
Responses from randy-11

Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Snake Oil.No known mechanism by which it could change SQ, AND no reliable listening tests in its favor.Buy some quality monoblocks and use short cables to the speakers.or... Buy better speakers, room treatments, or source material or ... 
Wireless Speakers for Home Theater Set Up
are you adding 2 or 3 or 5 or...? 
Speaker cable recommendations with Magnepan .7s
Magnepan's do not need any particular cable as they present a fairly simple load to the amp, i.e. not a complex impedance.They do need an amp capable of good current delivery into 4 ohms. 
rising audio equipment prices:
Eric gave a classic answer, one thing to add: DAC SQ vs. price goes down over time 
Tenting home for termites
be sure to get all vegetation away from your home tooa Google search on 'termite pesticide' will be instructive 
Tenting home for termites
any grill cloth will absorb  
Anyone Using Crystals?
Yes, not my remark and all religious beliefs are not equal.  For example, it is quite possible to believe that a deity has guided biological evolution (Teilhard de Chardin) or to own major astronomical observatories to peer back billions of years ... 
Tenting home for termites
find out what they are using and whether it is a neurotoxinunderstand that a pesticide applicator does NOT have a PhD in Epidemiology and that chronic effects can occur even when acute effects are absentworry about the stereo lastpersonally, I'd g... 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
how could speaker cable change the noise level???duh 
Anyone Using Crystals?
but he is right about the woo-woo aspect in common to bothtoddy wants you to keep your mind open to the super-natural, so why notanybody want to buy the ghosts I extracted from my Ref 5? 
Not sure what to make of these yet exactly, but they look interesting...
Clever.  It could be covered with an art print (made of grill cloth).Helmholtz resonators were used in the amphitheatres of ancient Greece (empty pots, bottles embedded in the walls) so that part is not new, but using materials to slow down the so... 
F. Alton Everest's Master Handbook of Acoustics vs. Floyd Toole's Sound Reproduction?
BTW, a good university library will have Colloms and other books, esp. if the U. has an engineering school (and nearly every x State Univ. will have one - exceptions: in NY it is Cornell, in CA it is Davis, in IN it is Purdue) 
F. Alton Everest's Master Handbook of Acoustics vs. Floyd Toole's Sound Reproduction?
Get the Master Handbook - it is pretty readable (and is mostly designed for recording engineers, not physicists)You will need to do a few calculations for your listening room, but it is very worthwhile in explaining what matters most at what frequ... 
DAC or Music Server
Dave is spendy and will be superseded but has gotten rave reviews 
Anyone Using Crystals?
It seems there is also quite a lot of interest here on Audiogone in mockery of science.It figures that the uneducated would do that.(and no, your degree in Deconstructionism as found in Lower Slobovian Basketweaving does NOT count.)