
Responses from randy-11

My jazz collection told me to get a *real* system
a tube pre with a SS amp will be fine and give you the euphonic sound people are urgingthat's what I use with my Maggie 3.7i's - and they Maggies are xlnt for jazz1.7s would fit your budget 
DIY power cord / cords - really good
what do you think is a "well designed power cord"? 
What Makes Fiber Optic Cables Better Than Copper Cables?
for audio use a big advantage can be galvanic isolation (not mentioned in the link) 
Try this free tweak - Speaker Slumber Party!
the pillows would cover up the rug, and annoy the golden retriever who has been trained to lie in the best acoustic configuration sideways on the rug 
Best Bang For The Buck I've Ever Spent
$800 is not a lot to spend on art for the living room - tell the wife the artist is young and his work will go up in valueyou'll need to get the splatter painted acoustic panels tho 
DIY power cord / cords - really good
none of the above will "make a phenomenal change" but search up the bottle head power cord if your transformers are so poorly designed that any AC power cord can make a difference, that is the one that will 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
How can a cheap $15,000 speaker like the   Vandy Quatro Wood CT be #1 ???Something that ...ahem... "inexpensive" do better than speakers which cost 3x or 5x as much? 
whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money
for AC power bottle head cord or better a Topaz isolatorfor DC power to a USB DAC, use an isolator/regen device and a LPS for best results (which may be zero depending on your DAC etc.) - wind up a DC cord using a star-quad layout or buy from Ghen... 
Current speaker threads are boring
it's summer - the people with really high end speakers are all off yachting 
Move router far from hifi components?
re: linear power supply - an oft used solution to noise injection problems for DACs; but first try a DC power cord (no, don't waste money on a spendy AC power cord for your amp) a DC power cord that is made up in a star-quad wiring configuration.I... 
Move router far from hifi components?
$500 spent on a used Topaz isolation transformer can be money well spent while you are waiting for the optical. 
Move router far from hifi components?
Wifi is fine for hifi if done correctly.  Going usb/ethernet adds other issues, such as the need for galvanic isolation.Implemented correctly any of the above will be xlnt.The ultimate would be optical as you don't need to worry about galvanic iso... 
Move router far from hifi components?
distance and balanced cables are your friends 
Jazz for aficionados
this thread was starting to cost me too much money, but the quarreling has reduced the number of jazz albums posted 
Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?
I started out on Burgundy