
Responses from randy-11

Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
nothing that is related to fuses is unexplained 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Yup, you just have to adjust yourself to ignore any of the engineers or scientists who just want to pour cold hard reality on your unicorn fantasies.  
Need recommendation
between the 2 I'd also go MLbut also check out the Maggies - they were allowing an in home test of the 1.7i's I have the 3.7i's and am very happy with themroom tmts. and maybe a measurement mic & REW software will be well worth the $90 costyou... 
System Upgrade Recommendations
check this out:new for 2017https://www.outlawaudio.com/products/rr2160_about.htmlS'phile seems to like it a lot too 
Advice Needed...16 Year Old Bryston 7B-ST's or Emotiva XPA-'s (gen2)?
buy the Brystonsthen buy the Emotivas on amazoon and return if they aren't as good - check the return policy to be sureif they ARE better, resell the Brystonsa blinded test will be critical to the test 
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters
Yes, buy a measurement micbut even before that buy or borrow a copy of the Master Handbook of acoustics and learn a little about the physics - it will cut the time spent with the measurement mic by a lot3rd... room tmts.4th - bigger speakers or su... 
Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?
anyone advocating spendy outlets - much less covers - had better be able to offer some electronics insight into how they could possibly improve SQand no, confirmation bias is not a good reason to buy snake oil 
System Upgrade Recommendations
I'd buy a good SS amp to drive the Maggies (I use an old Sunfire on my 3.7i's).  Maybe a NuForce.I'd work on room tmts. - not spendy and you can DIY a lot of it; can take time.So buy a copy of the Master Handbook of Acoustics (or check out from yo... 
Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?
jubrip - there is no point in wasting time on things that can only work by confirmation bias, not by any known laws of physic or electronicsbetter to buy some ball bearings, cups and damped tiles to sit your components on... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
the sky is blue because of Rayleigh scatteringnot surprisingly, science has answers for that as well as fuses 
Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?
Just use any decent $10 to $15 outlet - Hubbell and others make good solid ones.You want a solid connection (for the amp) - nothing else matters at an AC power outlet 
Anyone compare the new Oppo 205 to the NAD M51 Dacs??
I'm curious to hear of any listening tests too.BTW, there is more to a DAC component than the chip inside... 
Integrated amp
nad is good; Creek is a step upNuforce is an award winning amp and is very inexpensive - may be a couple on Amazon (return priv. may apply) if people have not snapped them all up yet 
Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?
No.  Don't waste your $$ on snake oil.If you DO have a problem, address power cables to your DAC first & then an AC power converter (transformer) such as a used Topaz.a search on here will be revealing 
Need a new amplifier. Need a good match for my Audio Research LS7 preamp
agree re rom tmts.also, maybe not any FET type but J-FET