
Responses from randy-11

Best practices when conducting a DAC comparison
I am not clear on the consumer benefits of MQA.  It does seem DRM capable however... 
Burning/breaking in new equipment?
Oppo gives you ability to play video even if you streamBTW, galvanic isolation is important for streaming - lots of engineers discussing this on computeraudiophile.com 
Best practices when conducting a DAC comparison
there will only be tiny differences between dacs relative to most speakers, room tmts., etc.galvanic isolation can be a biggie for a DAC -- besides an opto-isolation technique, a LPS, and/or star-quad DC power cables are good ideas 
Opening a can of worms
Correct, with some speakers (cones) there are audible differences in cables, because they change the complex impedance that the driver "sees."One could call the difference minute - it is certainly not as large as using a different speaker.And, the... 
Burning/breaking in new equipment?
You have some excellent components on their wayTreat it like the Grateful Dead said to do with a Love Light - turn it on and Leave it ona low volume will simply increase the time for the active devices and mechanical parts (speaker cones) to burn ... 
Speakers: Isolation?
I am going to set my speakers on top of the Arc d'Triumph 
PERSONAL GEAR LIST; Your opinion on next best upgrade?
Yes, either speakers, room treatments, and/or improving the source material by finding the best masterings. 
Replacing AC cable on older amps and pre amps (Non IEC)
Sure, but why?Get an isolation transformer and do it right.  Much more effective. 
Upgrading of Minimus 7's
or junk them and buy some cheapr Elacs, AE's etc. 
RE: Finite Elements Cerabase Slimline Precision Audio Footers are Recommended
not my idea - just passing it onhopefully, the smoothness of the ball bearings & plate surface is adequate to improve SQI know some people have paid machine shops to make ese and to micro-plate them for smoothnessBarry Diament (mastering engin... 
RE: Finite Elements Cerabase Slimline Precision Audio Footers are Recommended
for a pittance, you can buy some ball bearings and little dollhouse ceramic plates- not as groovey lookin' tho 
Power Conditioner Advice please...
a properly sized Topaz will not compress dynamics 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
then why all the moronic comments? 
Speaker Cable Banana Plug Breakage
You are putting far too much imagination into the cable termination.  It simply will not affect SQ.Another option is to buy new cables from a rental/exchange place - Bluejeans cables is one - try a set & send them back to try another set; lath... 
Speaker Cable Banana Plug Breakage
sounds like soldering would be far below your pay gradeit's easy - teens do it