
Responses from randy-11

Room treatment-I was afraid of this
+1 on all the aboveI have the opposite problem - a very large room with lots of glass picture windows and speakers near one wall, with an open space near the other speaker... so it could be worse, eh?(Note the "eh?" --  I am practicing my Canadian... 
Is OPPO losing it's way?
as long as they can make a $1200 universal player that sounds as good as a $4,000 SACD player, I'm fine with it 
Pink Floyd Early Years
Yes - or maybe it was previewed at a show(?)I know many of the more rabid audiophiles are heavy show goers... 
Don't think my preamp likes feeding signal to two seperate places.
OTOH, I'll take that LS17 off your hands for no charge... 
power conditioner
which is why you reverse the orderof course, if there is no difference in the sound then one doesn't sound better, does itand note, I never said to not do extensive listening sessions either... 
power conditioner
Consumer audio is rife with confirmation bias.  The only way to eliminate that problem is to use blind tests.  While true that it is troublesome, it can save thousands of dollars. 
power conditioner
are you in the US?apparently some countries have really dirty power - the Australians seem obsessed with that issue for some reasonblind listening tests are critical to evaluation and I bet you find that better speakers and room treatments are muc... 
Magnepan 1.7 w/ Tubes & lots of Class D Power
I've always thought the best tweaks for Maggies was placement adjustments, and a bigger amplifier... 
How long will tubes last in a pre-amp?
I'm aware of cathode depletion, but by that time, the tube would usually fail completely, not just show degraded SQ, AFAIK. 
What do audiophiles want from a cable?
Blind testing removes confirmation bias.If you don't understand that, then you are doomed to live with a tin-foil hat on your head. 
How long will tubes last in a pre-amp?
What does "wear them down" mean? 
What do audiophiles want from a cable?
It is unlikely that you don’t know what to listen for, or am too focused on cable accuracy and resolution, and not enough on actual sound quality. - it just a case of no two systems sounding alike so why trust a review anyway? - but I'd also be le... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
dl - I have a couple of comments on that measurements pdf:1. The methodology is incompletely described, and there is no assessment of the accuracy, repeatability etc. of the Geophone sensor among other things.2. Worst is likely the complete absenc... 
Jazz at the Pawnshop
I agree with all 3 comments right above this 
Class D Technology
how did such an uninformed person get an article into the EE Times?