
Responses from ramstl

To DAC or not to DAC
Run it and let your ears decide! It won't cost you anything but time well spent listening to music! 
Anyone out there own an Alesis Masterlink CD-R?
All the scientific data and studies that has been collected point to it having unstable archival qualities. No one uses it for archival storage! It is highly sensitive to U.V., humidity, and temp. Much more so than Data storage tape.It seems that ... 
headphone setup 500 used.
I'll give a nod to Grado RS 2's. They are easy to drive and have a wonderful balance. The bass you can feel in your chest, mids are pure and the high are extended and sweet.I listen to them for up to 1.5 to 2 hours without any problems. Later on m... 
CDR Burning compatibility with DVD players
That's a good question and "yes" it may be the media. Some decks will not read certain brands of CDR's. Try another brand and see what happens.As I have stated in the past visit this site www.cdmediaworld.com they have lots of information on the q... 
Anyone out there own an Alesis Masterlink CD-R?
Lance,A computer can do the same thing but the problem is how will you store the data! On a computer you would have to use up Hard Drive space and thus use your computer for playback, or you could compress the files using .ape or other so called l... 
turntable madness
You should throw a used Rega Planar 2 on your short list, somewhere around $250 or so. 
Constructing/braiding your own speaker cables.
DH labs has wire that can be purchased as bulk. They have all kinds of conductors and dielectrics. Also you can purchase Cardis and Kimber wire in bulk and have fun making your own speaker and IC's. I like Teflon but a word of warning, "this diele... 
All in the Family
The Jackson 5 and their sisters, ha, ha!!!!!!! 
CD-R's suddenly "unreadable".
I have commented several times about the instability of CDR's, "see vaporware". These are not archival mediums! Depending on the storage, age and plain deterioration of the CDR, it could be disc's going bad! IMO, this is a serious concern that sho... 
Vinyl LPs To CD
Sony's 33 and 66 has SBM built in and I think you can get the 33 for $450 
Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?
If you are considering cabinets that's are innert you would have to include Sony's top of the line. They are pyramid shaped and if my memory is correct Stereophile demonstrated little to no peaks in the cabinet throughout the frequency range. Now,... 
Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?
Tim, to be PC you would have said "women" love them. I would agree that they are very attractive. 
The Big Boys vs. the Little Guys
Little guys? How about rolling your own! Can't get much littler than that and the money you'll save! 
beware of buying "used" CDR players-recorders
The odds are fairly great. FYI, many of the CDR's are purchased by individuals who are into collecting live concerts, which as more and more time passes bands allow you to do. Anyway, these individuals have large collections that they have transfe... 
beware of buying "used" CDR players-recorders
Try www.am-dig.com tell them Ray sent you.