
Responses from raks

Home Theater Preamp/amp advice.
For less than $2,000, you might be able to pick up a Theta Casanova Pre-Pro and a Theta Intrepid 5 ch Amp. 
Best value in 5 chan. power amp under $3,000
Theta Intrepid 5 Ch 100 watts. These are great amps and they sell for less than half of your $3,000 budget. 
How loud do you like to play your music?
To all my above friends... everything said above is spot on correct. It's possible the difference I hear has something to do with my amp. In most every review of the Usher's there is a comment that the Usher's need a "big amp" to really sing. My a... 
How loud do you like to play your music?
A few weeks ago I sold my Usher BE 718’s and replaced them with Focal JM Labs BE Micro Utopia’s… forcing me to mess around with speaker placement. I was perfectly happy with the Usher’s, but the temptation was too great so I took the plunge. I don... 
I am upgrading ? Need help with setup
I owned a Casanova and up-graded to a Casablanca II. Theta was the organization that started the ball rolling in the direction of high-end DAC's and HT. For the price of a Casanova, I question if you'd be able to find a better Pre-Pro. 
"Get Better Sound"
What's old is new... and what's new is old. Granted there's no silver bullet here, but the book makes you think about everything you could be doing... before buying a new piece of equipment to remedy a conceived issue. 
confused about equipment racks
You’d be pleasantly surprised at how inexpensively you can have a metal fabrication shop build a rack to your specifications. With the money you save, you can go crazy to invest in the likes of Finite Elemente, Gingko, Black Diamond, Vibracone, Au... 
Black Sand Cable Power Cords How Good?
I'll second what Waveman says about Black Sands's outstanding customer service, and high quality products. One thing I really like about Black Sand is that you can choose from different brands of high quality terminations... and their willingness ... 
theta compli as standalone cd player?
You might want to read the Threads on the "External Dac - Casablanca II" Post to get a heads-up on Theta's dac's and Theta's analog. I have a Compli and from my Threads you'll see I've got it wired into my Casablanca a couple of different ways. 99... 
External DAC and Theta Casablanca II
Stick70... You sure know your way around Theta. I sincerely want to thank you for sharing your expert knowledge about what’s possible with Theta. Your comments about the Analog Direct mode tweaked my system to the point that the “better speaker mo... 
External DAC and Theta Casablanca II
Stick70... I use the Theta Compli which is a universal CD, DVD, SACD & etc. I seriously question whether the dac's in the Compli are anywhere close to the Extreme dac's in my Casablanca II. All I can tell you is by-passing the II's dac's made ... 
External DAC and Theta Casablanca II
Going to school on the above Posts about Theta’s Analog Direct mode by-passing the Extreme dac’s on my Casablanca II, I switched things around so I'd have one of the front buttons configured to play CD's in the Analog Direct mode (single ended ana... 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
Lately I like TAS over Sterophile mostly because TAS seems to include more music reviews. I can't get into TAS's on-line Playback, especially after looking at a computer monitor all day at work. I love HiFi+ but I've got a feeling TAS and HiFi+ mi... 
Meeting up at RMAF this year
I'm actually thinking about going to the RMAF this year. The last time I was at a show was back when I used to sneek into the Black Hawk Hotel in Chicago where the high end manufacturers exhibited. It would be a real treat to meet up with other Go... 
Upgrade question
I'll second Mtdking's post.