
Responses from ptss

Cause of different sound between dacs
I admit to being "gobsmacked" as John Malkovich put it.And I thought bits are bits, chipsets are so improved they must be nearly identical, power supply function so well established that there must be a basic template that is efficient & effec... 
Hydra 2 for digital
Have you tried switching devices? 
Shunyata Hydra 2
Hey Dne. How big was improvement going from 2 to the 8?Worth it? 
Revel Salon 1 or-Revel Studio 2??
should read Salon 1 or Salon 2. studio was not mentioned . Hope no one is trying to put words in for us. 
Power Cables diminishing returns
Put a bi directional ac noise blocking cord on your digital.Put the best ac filtering cord you can afford on your pre.Make your own 10 gauge cord from materials at home depot for your amp. They will give your easy instructions, might even help you... 
experiment with isolation??
Davehrab, thanks for the detailed insight. It has given me hope for improvement in more than just my digital components.I am curious to learn how the "Audio Magic Next Gen Plus" detects the precise "frequency and amplitude" of the generated noise ... 
Classical, Spanish & South American Guitar Jewels
Any Andean guitar music to recommend? 
experiment with isolation??
davehrab. How about that fiber thats supposed to blockhi frequencies. Any good? Best way to use? 
experiment with isolation??
Thx Tboooe.. I'll check into the P3. 
experiment with isolation??
Elizabeth, Have you tried swapping the conditioners? Results? 
experiment with isolation??
Thanks Tboooe.Do you have both analog and digital on your PS Audio P3? 
experiment with isolation??
Thanks zd. I will look inti cable company offerings. 
Speakers that do pianos really well
To do a piano well requires a speaker with mass. Otherwise many subtleties are drowned in the vibration of a smaller lighter speaker. Of course sound can be beautiful w/o being reasonably accurate. $ + sense are factors as always.I reinforced and ... 
Speakers that do pianos really well
Thanks P59teitel. Glad to hear it. I am assuming if they are good with drums they will be good with the pianos lowest octaves as well. I tnink these are my next target. 
Redbook Digital Can Sound Great -- On Occassion
If you want to experience improved sound from digital try this experiment-assuming you have some form of isolation/conditioning on your digital and amp.Take the conditioning off the amp and add it to the conditioning of your digital. I hope you ha...