
Responses from prof

Speakers for Room Size
I can't tell you if those specific speakers will work in your room.However, I will point out:  I think there is a fairly common "myth" among audiophiles that big speakers -by that I mean ones full range or close to it - won't work in smaller roo... 
$10K-15K short list?
soix,Another JA Perspectives fan, I see.I auditioned the Perspectives and they are on my (very, very short) list of speakers I'm considering as replacement for my Thiels 3.7s. 
Thiel speaker model range
niodari,FWIW, from my experience of having lived with the CS6s (years ago), and now the 3.7s and 2.7s...I agree the CS6 has more substantial bass than the 3.7s.   It was denser, more punchy, and goes a bit lower.  I remember the CS6s as giving the... 
Thiel Owners
The easiest to drive Thiel speaker I've ever used or heard of is the older Thiel 02 speaker (which I still have).  90 db sensitivity, easy impedance load, these things live and breath almost like a high sensitivity speaker, even with lower powered... 
Thiel Owners
I hear you corvette01.I had to sell my Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers recently, wanted local sale (I'm in Canada) and it was all the local sale people who hummed and hawed.  Ended up selling them to someone in the USA.Though, literally 1/2 an hou... 
Thiel Owners
corvette01,So if I understand correctly you got only really lowball offers?  That seems weird, since as far as I can tell 3.7s have sold fairly well over the last couple of years (and now are all the more rare).  I wonder if people are wary of a c... 
Thiel Owners
I always wondered if those Les Paul 3.7s sold or not.  It can be hard to tell when trying to track sales of speakers.  
Most "Accurate/Realistic" Sounding Speakers?
It's a complicated question as folks here clearly already know.Depends on what you are trying to reproduce as well - voices?  A big band?  A whole symphony?  A rock band?I've always been fascinated by the whole real vs reproduced question so for m... 
Thiel speaker model range
FWIW, both the Thiel 2.7 and the bigger 3.7 work equally well in my 15ft by 13ft room.   
Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??
Another speaker I sort of let get away that I'd love to re-buy:Waveform Mach Solo.These were the smaller version of the mighty Mach 17s - famous for their egg-module head containing the midrange and tweeter - that John Otvos sold for only a short ... 
Is Spiking Necesarry?
Re Herbie's gliders.I now have them under my big Thiel 3.7 speakers.My speaker have sat without spikes on a shag carpet over a solid wood floor, and the bass response (and general sound) has been so even and seemingly perfect I've never bothered w... 
Thiel Owners
I actually find the 2.7 sounds a bit more like the earlier models vs the 3.7.The 2.7 has that slightly tighter, denser, focused concissive quality I'd always heard from Thiel - the 3.7s being a bit more of a departure - smoother more lush.   This ... 
VAC vs Conrad Johnson Amps?
lissnr,I certainly agree about the attributes of the CJ Premier 12s."Balance" is the key description, and the one that Michael Fremer used as well.  When I tried various contender amps (at the time) there always seemed to be a sort sculpting (deli... 
VAC vs Conrad Johnson Amps?
pdreher,Wow, that's the first time  I've ever heard someone refer to a CJ tube amp as sounding like solid state (especially an older CJ amp).Thanks for the insight into the sonics of the VAC amps.Some day... 
Thiel Owners
robinarbour,Do you mean how much have I tilted them? I haven’t tilted either the 3.7 or the 2.7. Simply set them down without spikes (I’ve tried spikes before and they didn’t make anything better about the sound). So they have whatever tilt is bui...