
Responses from prdprez

Why not horns?
@ Herman, I should have looked up your system before trying to answer your posts. my apologies.But if I may be so bold, apparently size and overwhelming a room is not such an issue for you! haha.But I stand by my statement on the triple avantgarde... 
Why not horns?
Okay, then let me put it this way.....Between himself, myself, and at least one other professional there is 60+ years of collective experience in the overall set-up of that room and system.I'm confident my own 20+ years of professional experience ... 
Why not horns?
Having heard many horn systems in all sorts of varying set-ups I would say that my friend has managed to optimize his to a far greater degree than any other. So I would say, yes, he has done what was "right". The size of the amp on the basshorns h... 
At first I was going to suggest the same thing as Unsound.But I ended up not doing so for a couple reasons. The idea of having a sort of anteroom for the equipment would be a good thing but lead to other complications of access.Ultimately I reject... 
Why not horns?
an admitted naive observation from a bachelor........Why is it that we need to figure out ways to get the wifes "out of town" whenever we want to have a little audiophile fun? It seems to me that they don't plan on ways to get the men out of town ... 
Not a bad idea putting the screen as a drop down.If I were you I'd invest in a good acoustically transparent screen (so as not to cause adverse reflections from speakers) and hang it so that it's approximately even with the baffle of the speakers.... 
Maggies are a nearly resistive load but draw tons of current. So any high current amplifier will work well. I've heard the 20.1 sound very good on a BAT Vk-500 and Vk-600. Get two Vk-500 on the used market and run them as monos. There won't be any... 
@ Daverz, you are correct in linking that recommendation with the room size. Dunlavy made seating recommendations based on a list of priorities.The first was to always use the long wall if possible. This was to first increase the space between spe... 
The SC6 was intended for rooms no smaller than 20' x 30'. The size of the speaker (mostly the woofers) are there to be able to reasonably and accurately fill a space this big.If you try to fit them into smaller spaces you not only run out of room ... 
Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE vs. Contour 140
FFS!Ya try to keep things simple and people's little minds just gotta try and prove ya wrong.Look, I could have gone into some serious detail but figured it would just make people's eyes glaze over.The bottom line is this, the Focus tweeter is sup... 
Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE vs. Contour 140
With all due respect, Keithr doesnt know what he is talking about. It's not just the magnet that makes the tweeter in the Focus better, it also happens to be an entirely newer generation. And, yes, the magnet DOES matter. It allows two very import... 
Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE vs. Contour 140
I'm going to assume that you meant the Focus 140, since there isn't such as thing as a Contour 140.........While normally I will recommend the higher level Dynaudio over a lower, this case is different.The Contour 1.3 uses an older Esotec tweeter ... 
Hansen King V2 / TAD M1 / YG Studio Reference .
I've heard all three to a significant extent and with various electronics attached.I would have to agree with KennyT. The TAD leaves me wanting. I really don't see anything special about this one.The YG actually makes me want to leave the room. Li... 
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140
My preferences are with Dynaudio. Focal makes some very nice stuff. But whenever it came head to head I had a much easier time selling Dynaudio.And, for what it's worth, I sold a lot of speakers to individual members of the local symphony. Every s... 
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140
Jdec, The capacitors in the Focus are all Solen film type. The Excite are a combination of Bennic electrolytic and BC film. The coils in the Focus are all air core while the Excite will have at least one iron core coil.And the resistors in the Foc...