Responses from prdprez
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 True, all Dynaudio speakers use impedance correction. But if you look at the actual circuits it's easy to see that the implementation becomes more complex as you go up the lines.I have the schematics for both of these speakers sitting around here ... | |
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 Not to be a bugger about all this. But..........I stand by my statement on the tweeter as well.Note how I distinctly pointed out the "neodymium" aspect of the Esotec tweeter. Neodymium motor systems are significantly more expensive than iron core ... | |
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 Bottom line to my point.Both speakers are within 1Hz specification on their frequency response and within 1dB on their sensitivity. Both of these differences amount to nothing in practical application.Therefor the real differences were as I stated... | |
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 "The entire Focus line has been designed to play bigger and deeper than their cabinet and drivers should allow".Do you understand how silly that sounds from an engineering perspective or from mere common sense? My guess would be no. If speakers co... | |
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 I'm not sure what exactly "DedicatedAudio" was getting at but the whole "fun factor" is a load of bull.There are three basic differences between these two models. And these three things dictate the difference in cost.A) Cabinet. The Focus is more ... | |
Designer Hall of Fame More to the point of the thread.....I'd have to agree with Vicdamone on this one. Too many people on this list who were merely clever at marketing. It's a surprise that no one has mentioned John Curl yet.His diversity and agility include.... Ampex... | |
Designer Hall of Fame For the record......BAT amps are not OTL. So I'm not quite sure what implication Atmasphere is trying to make regarding any OTL manufacturer going out of business once trying to make transistor or hybrid amps. Secondly, BAT's first transistor offe... | |
Dunlavy SM-IIa - Experiences? P.S. I've spent years looking for a current model that sounds even similar to the Dunlavy's. Solution......... I still own Dunlavys. | |
Dunlavy SM-IIa - Experiences? The SCIIa (SC2a) is essentially an SM-1 with more options on finish. The model designation change came to avoid confusion between the SC1 and SM1. Since the SM1 uses the same drivers as the SC2 it was the logical progression to call it SC2a. | |
Wadia 2000 owners, I need help Thanks. I hadnt thought of that.And Wow, I didnt even know they could add the volume control to the 2000. That must be pretty wicked! | |
Linn CD12 vs. Great Northern Sound Wadia 860 Well put. Thanks for the review. One of these days I'll get around to getting my gear over to Steve. | |
Best find at C.E.S. The guys at Running Springs asked me to reply here as they are actually NOT equipped to supply the cd "Faber Blues".The phone # 217-356-1726 is the direct line to contact Geoff Poor at Balanced Audio Technology, the producer of the cd.You can actu... | |
Harbeth C7ES vs Maggie 1.6 QR My local retailer has the Harbeth sitting right next to the Maggies, literally linked to the same system. (BAT 300x, Primare 30.1CD, Nordost RedDawn) I can tell you that the Harbeth are as close as any box speaker I've come across at retaining mos... |