Responses from pokey77
Network optimization for serious streamers @singingg You and I have the same internet provider and the same ONT and Router. On 1/28/23 I substituted the stock ATT Network cable between the ONT and Router with Supra Cat8+ and initially it sounded louder and maybe slightly better. But it t... | |
Network optimization for serious streamers @singingg I am also on ATT fiber with apparently the same two devices, Router + ONT. I had been thinking the iFi Elite would be a good choice but was also thinking about a 2-rail LPS and the Keces was also on my radar (along with the Uptone JS2 ... | |
Network optimization for serious streamers @singingg "3. Extrapolating on this experience, I now KNOW I have to replace the SMPS with LPS on the ONT and router from my ISP. A jump in performance awaits me. I have picked out the models and I am searching searching for a good price. Patien... | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? SMPS does seem like it is gaining some traction as a preferred power supply source. I've never heard it in a SOTA configuration, but would like to. You also mention Charles, that Grimm has written all their own code from the ground up. From all I'... | |
Network optimization for serious streamers @christianb5s4 Will be interested to hear what you hear. I'd give it a week before I started doing critical listening or comparing in your system. I'm assuming the switch needs to burn in and settle first to get the best sound. Good luck. | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? @nyev If you do decide to go HoloAudio you should just go all out for the May KTE. Still only $5,600 and has a ton of good write ups and YT videos. It is two chassis and about 40 lbs. Looks to be quite the value product. BTW, I’ve never heard it... | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? @nyev Sounds like you are having fun! You've mentioned dCS and just thought I'd mention, if you are not already aware, the Bartok will be upgraded to APEX in March, so it'll have the same upgrade, in name at least, as the Rossini and the Vivald... | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? @nyev I'd assume you are in for some gyrations in SQ over the next few weeks. At least it isn't worse than the USB at this point, but it very well could be worse at some point in the near future. I'm living through this right now. I changed out... | |
I want more bass… Nobody has asked what the rest of your system looks like. Are you using vinyl as a source? Or are you doing digital? If digital, make sure your Network is all dialed in, if not, you won't be getting the bass you want. Just a thought. And if you a... | |
Network optimization for serious streamers I've read that the ER will run cooler with 12v over on the AS website. I use a Paul Hynes SR4T LPS now and it is a lot better than the stock wall wart. I use an AC Infinity fan to cool the ER when it is warmer in the house. I unplugged it a few w... | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? @nyev The newer power conditioner I have took four weeks until the sound went from analytical to musical. And week five brought about a good bit more improvement as well. I was wondering if I'd have to try a different power conditioner, but it a... | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? This has been a very interesting thread so far. As several others have mentioned, letting the N20 run for a week would be a good idea. I'll go on record that most likely it'll need that or more given the fact it really hasn't been played that muc... | |
Streaming – Discovering Similar or New Music I am an Aurender user and Tidal is what I use as a streaming service. I discover new music clicking on "Album" categories in the Conductor app like New, Masters, Discovery, Rising, Staff Picks. The same can be done for "Songs" as well. I've found ... | |
Streaming – Discovering Similar or New Music @deadhead1000 Totally digging on Music-map. Thanks! | |
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality @ghasley X2, very excited to read about what your Muon Pro setup consists of and how it sounds, but "pretty special in my system" is a very good start. |