
Responses from plato

LFE output from DVD player's subwoofer out
If the EFE Technologies PRO ONE passive surround sound processor doesn't decode Dolby Digital soundtracks then the LFE channel is not going to get the correct bass track. Generally, it's best to connect the digital output of the DVD player to the ... 
Wow I am sold
I think the Maggie system is great for home theater and I would go that way myself if I had the room for all those Maggies in my HT room.I had a set of B&W CDM 9NTs and replaced them with Maggie MG-12QRs. While the B&Ws had greater bass ex... 
2000 for turntable and arm.....
I second Marakanetz's suggestion of the Michell Gyro SE. I am using mine with a OL Rega 250, a Benz Micro Ruby 2 and an AHT phono stage and am getting fabulous results. I definitely prefer it to my previous VPI Aries/JMW combo. Plus those gold wei... 
Replace Parsound Z-pre with what?
The John Curl designed Parasound P/LD-2000 is an excellent preamp. It meets all your criteria and is a Class-A, dual-mono design using all discrete circuitry and high quality parts. I am using one in a much more expensive system than the one you l... 
Whats your opinion?
You've listed some good choices and you've also missed quite a few... If you answer Ohlala's question and let us know more about your associated equipment, your musical taste, the size of your room, budget, etc, we may be able to offer more help. ... 
Someone explain human hearing of subbass......
Ezmeralda may have summed it up nicely, but can someone explain to me how a properly-designed amplifier rated flat to almost DC lacks bass???? Or is that not what you meant?Also, to answer Mythtrip's question, in high-end systems set up for natura... 
Do isolation devices really help?
Yes, they really do help (or at least change the character of the sound you hear). Check out the following article accessible via the archives page of : "Electro-Mechanical Convergence: How can it affect your audio gear?" 
Classe 300 or Innersound Esl amp. for Maggie 3.5s?
Probably the InnerSound ESL amp would be the better choice. It will drive virtually any current commercial loudspeakers very well. I've used mine with the InnerSound Eros, B&W CDM 9NTs, and Maggie 12QRs and the amp was virtually unflappable wi... 
3.3 maggies have no midrange,What Happened ?
Bob,Why don't you remove the extra crossover and the equilizers and go back to the configuration where you had them working. If they work fine then, something is probably wrong with the crossover you added... 
TACT rcs 2.0 is a better choice as a pre?
As far as I know, the TacT RCS 2.0 has a built-in DAC and digital volume control, so yes, all you would need is a transport -- and of course some good quality cables. A lot of folks are happy using the Tact exactly that way. The room correction th... 
Transport with XLR digital out for 1500 new/used
I've used the Parasound C/DB-2000 for the past few years and it's a great sounding transport compared to everything else I tried. I never tried the Meridian 500, but depending on what digital cable you use, transports can sound very different -- a... 
New cartridge question
Hi David,With up to 56 dB of gain, the vk-p5 should work fine unless you have very inefficient speakers and low input sensitivity in your power amp. More than likely it will be sufficient. 
WHat about four speakers.......
What about: 
Phono Cartridge Recommendations...
Guys, thanks for the suggestions... Whichever cartridge I eventually end up with, it seems that the smartest thing to do is to try my Benz first. I didn't realize that Wilson Benesch used Benz as a reference but if so, it would stand to reason tha... 
Phono Cartridge Recommendations...
Hi Harry, Thank you for the recommendations, they sound like very good choices and I will consider them -- especially the SHO, which I may be able to get for a reasonable price.