
Responses from phd

Lack of depth problem
You need to invest in a quality amp that has a large overbuilt power supply in relationship to its output power. Speaker positioning can help but good depth has to be present to bring it out. 
Conrad Johnson PV11...Extreme sibilance, harsh sou
If any of you feel adventurous I would look into the newer Eastern Electric Minimax preamp. I just recently picked one up and have walked away very impressed for a pre in this price range. Can on occasions be purchased used for around $550.00 or h... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Emailists, you have brought up a good point in regards to the satisfaction of owning tube gear. I wish you would start a thread tube vs solid state & changing gear. I would post there. 
Most resolving, transparent amps.
Pubul57, I think your partly correct in regards to two type of systems. An accurate but high quality system will not be forgiven of poor recordings. On the other hand a system that colors the music may sound good regardless of the quality of the r... 
Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamp
Finally took the plunge and re-purchased the Minimax. After careful listening & as I thought before, it is a superb tube preamp for the price. Huge soundstaging that has great depth and transparency. It is even tube rectified (no silicon devic... 
Rawson Resale......
I've owned a Rawson amp before and thought it sounded spectacular for the price, very nice midrange. I sold mine for a stupid reason which had nothing to do with its sonics. I couldn't get past its rough looking cosmetics, I feel ashamed. 
Why I sell
Stevecham, try GAS X otherwise quit bitching around. 
my new black faceplate Aesthetix Calypso
Krugorg I too am more partial to silver than black but like you mentioned your setup would look at bit off with only one silver component. After seeing your picture the Calypso looks like a well built preamp. I was curious if you purchased this pr... 
McCormack DNA-1 or DNA-1 deluxe?
Jedi1, you have an excellent amp. When the time permits you should get a Revision B done. The McCormack DNA-1 with Revision B is one of the finest sounding amps I have ever heard & owned. I miss it terribly but recently was able to aquire a Mc... 
amp or preamp..what should i keep?
I am familiar with your preamp and Forte. Keep the amp and buy yourself a a nice tube preamp like the Eastern Electric Minimax preamp which is within your price range, you will not be sorry. 
Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?
Phasecorrect, there you go sir, there is nothing wrong with fiddling with amps, its all a progression of a nuerotic hobby just as you mentioned. Keep listening to those tunes! 
Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?
Still think the amp is the most important component in the system. The type of speakers you own plus personal tastes will have a big influence on the type of amplification you may choose. Any one of us could build a system around a good sounding a... 
Designer Hall of Fame
In the realm of solid state, definately Steve McCormack for designing gear that is very musical, involving, & affordable which is further enhanced by revisions! 
Why I sell
The last thing I want to see in an ad is a lenghty expanation of why your selling, a waste of time & space, this will not give me the incentive to buy as a worthy product should sell on its own merits. Like TVAD mentioned the most important th... 
Why I sell
I don't think anyone should have to justify why you are selling & it makes me laugh when I see an ad with various reasons why as if there should be some sort of guilt associated with it. I buy to try and have sold a great deal of gear that I l...