
Responses from phd

stupid tube question of the day
Tubes are slowly wearing themselves out as soon as their powered up. The circuit design has a big influence on tube longevity and NOS tubes aren't getting any cheaper. No sense in taking a chance on leaving tube gear powered up other than an hour ... 
Mosfet mist?
Would you rather be bipolar or have a mosfet mist? The choices are unsettling. 
Best SS preamp $1000
Tlhiii, you are correct in your assmuption. This is precisely why we have a preamp game. I think also it has alot to do with your preferences in sound as you mentioned and other associated gear. I know you will be very pleased with the Pre 3. 
Best SS preamp $1000
In spite of the fact that I perfer the RLD-1 and this is just a personal preference, I have to admit that the PRE 3 is indeed a very good ss preamp and many regard it as their reference preamp. 
PSE Studio 4 amplifier - any good?
I have a PSE Studio 2 amp. When I recently purchased this used I was not expecting nor prepared for the excellent sonics this amp produced. In fact it sounded better than many new solid state amps I have heard. It presentation is slightly warm wit... 
Best SS preamp $1000
I second the McCormack RLD-1. I own one and find it very musical, fast, & involving with all types of music. Its ability to throw a huge soundstage, beyond the walls is another fine trait, I've tried it on tube and solid state power amps with ... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
Yes, John Curl without constraints can and does deliver the goods. He is like a fine wine, as time goes on his designs have continued to improve. 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
Timtim is right, the McCormacks are the exception. Excellent separation with soundstaging that is almost impossible to beat in a single chassis. Steve McCormack is right up there with the best in ss design in addition to Nelson Pass. 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
If you can get past the big vu meters, build quality thats over the top, a company that has making gear forever, and represents a status symbol that you have finally arrived, you could actually settle on something else less attractive. However as ... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
You bet! Much better separation of the two channels. But without a good preamp you could lose some of that separation. 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
There it is folks, if you don't hear the definitive shimmer, your doomed to spend eternity on the merry-go-round. And I thought it was just a compulsive disorder. Boy, I'm starting to feel better about myself already. 
Is it possible to get Hi-end sound ??
Yes, if you put the biggest portion of your money (that you have set aside for hifi) towards the speakers and preamp, it will lay a good foundation. To pursue this hobby with vigor you will need money and lots of it, there are exceptions like for ... 
Do you leave your components on 24/7?
Mcintech, I recently talked to a tech who told me that long storage can be far worse on the caps then leaving a piece of gear on 24/7. 
Do you leave your components on 24/7?
Minol, 15 minutes may work with your system but I have found at least an hour of warm-up gets you 75% of the desired sound, 24 hours and you have reached a 100%. A case in point is I had a Musical Fidelity solid state preamp. It sounded so much be... 
Do you leave your components on 24/7?
I have a VTL preamp and the manufacturer states that a new set of tubes from them will last 5 years. Nothing mentioned on what the average time a consumer will have the preamp powered up. I leave it powered up most of the time mostly for sound qua...