
Discussions petewhitley has started

Logitech is discontinuing the Squeezebox line.29122
Has anyone heard the Pine Bay Audio table radio?20580
Thinking about upgrading my digital36063
Vandersteen 2ce897015
Anyone heard the KIng Sound Princess II monitors?66883
Vandersteen 1B versus 1C?41464
Vandersteen 2CE or 1C for small room?1242618
Old Vandy 1C vs. new one with ceramic tweeter?16720
squeezbox Duet distortion22733
Has anyone heard the Montana Monitor?29723
Better sound with cable box or Squeezebox Duet?31686
Speaker that has a resonant cabinet like guitar718516
Has anyone heard the Music Hall RDR-1 radio?25671
Has anyone heard the Music Hall RDR-1 radio?24571
Anyone tried the "book" speaker from Parts Express28347