
Responses from peter_s

Can I run my Amp from a Line Conditioner?
Thanks Mdomnick.Can anyone tell me whether I too could/should run my amp out of the Monster HTS-2000? I looked on the web site, but am not sure whether it seperates digital from the amp, or any other components. The relavent bullets from the Monst... 
Can I run my Amp from a Line Conditioner?
I'd heard that you don't want to use the same power conditioner for your amp than for the other components. Is this true? 
Any fans of Django Reinhardt
Thanks for the tip Rec. I love Django. Any suggestions about best recordings by his counterpart, Stephane Grapelli? 
What live performances are broadcast in your area?
In Flagstaff AZ they broadcast "Performance Today", which is not live performances but recordings thereof. However, they still have that alive, being-there feeling. That's a great show on NPR, and if your station doesn't carry it, it could be tune... 
Problems getting the best out of my Berning
Since the cryo'd NOS output tubes created an audible improvement, I decided to go ahead and do the entire tube compliment replacement. From Brendon at Tube World, I got the input compliment that Tubegroover recommended: 12AT7's Brimar Black Plates... 
Biwire Cables: Two Seperate Runs or Single Run
Thanks for the insights so far. It seems like there is some contradictory opinions, as John Risch thinks two separate cable runs is superior, but simulations on Audioengr's site suggest a combined biwire cable is better. Sonic_genius - by "mono-wi... 
Spica TC-50's vs 60's. Differences + Maintanence.
Thanks all for your advise. I went ahead and purchased a pair of the TC-60's, just to check them out. I do have a "Cardas type" listening room to play with them in, atleast for the next two months. I just wanted to get something with great imaging... 
Analog Output Voltage
In the Guide to High End Audio, it says that preamps typically put out more than an amp needs. Nevertheless, wouldn't the output from the preamp depend on the input voltage from the CDP, and the gain offered by the preamp? 
Wiring Rogue 66 with receiver
I don't think you can set the Rogue to passive? Let me know if you can. 
Is Remote Control Important?
I like a remote control, because (in the way of an adolescent!) I like to listenting to certain passages with more volume than others sometimes. Volume is the most important feature of a remote control for me. In addition, since I don't have a ded... 
Problems getting the best out of my Berning
October 10th Update!Hello to all you helpful Berning owners! Well, it's been a couple of weeks and here is what I have to report.1) I took the unit to an electronics expert person who just happens to live in Flagstaff (used to work at UC Santa Bar... 
How to Achieve Great Imaging & Soundstage
Well said Tubegroover! Perhaps you read between the lines in my initial post, but some of those speakers I auditioned did leave me concerned about listener fatigue as a trade-off for imaging. Speakers that are midrange dominant and congested are n... 
Audio Rack with Positive "waf"
What are people's feelings about materials. Is all wood OK, if it's a high density wood? I've got a Berning ZH270 and it should be kept away from steel or iron. That leaves wood, aluminum, glass. Any feedback on using these materials? I know there... 
Problems getting the best out of my Berning
Yikes! I don't think I can afford the TG Audio Lab cables. Got any other suggestions for someting neutral that would be an asset? For speaker cables I currently have Audioquest Type 4, slates, and MIT Terminator 2's available. Of course, I'll do t... 
Problems getting the best out of my Berning
By the way - the current strategy is to perform atleast 4 days of continuous burn in, have the tubes checked, and then assess the situation again. If it doesn't improve, I'll send the amp to David for a check up.